Chapter 109

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Chapter 109

Jasmine's wand was at the ready as she sized up Tom, completely ignoring Albus. The headmaster might be a pain in arse, but he wasn't her enemy at the moment. Her palms were sticky with sweat, blood and grime as she walked in front of Dumbledore.

She was going to the center of Tom's attention for the time being. Albus wasn't a spring chicken anymore and from what Jasmine understood he had been dueling for a while.

Death's magic was still available if she needed to use it, but she hoped that she wouldn't, since using it would cause her to collapse. Mortal bodies weren't meant to use primordial magic for prolonged periods of time, even one chose by Lady Magic herself.

Though, Jasmine supposed she would have a bit of an advantage. Death was harvesting the souls in the room around her and hovering over those that were on the brink and just waiting till they drew their final breaths. Jasmine could feel Death's presence everywhere.

Not to mention that Death was giddy being so close to ripping the remaining shred of soul out of Tom's still beating chest. The Deity had been waiting for this moment for so long and Jasmine was finally going to deliver it.

The current Dark Lord strode towards her. He was in high quality dragon hide dueling robes. Jasmine wasn't sure of the breed, but it had to be high quality. His outer robe was a bit singed from his scuffle with Albus, but otherwise he was unharmed. He didn't seem to be suffering from any curses, though from the light show they were putting on it might have been mostly transfiguration and charm work.


It was such a waste of magic, but then again, it was Albus' specialty to use transfiguration and the best way to combat that was through charm work. Dumbledore was okay with defense against the dark arts, but it wasn't his go to magic. But, then again, okay magic for Albus Dumbledore was fantastic for an average wizard.

Tom, on the other hand, had always been adaptable, but Albus was still the better duelist. Decades more experience would do that. At least, Jasmine had nine other lives to fall back for some kind of experience. It wasn't nearly as extensive as the two men before her, but it was probably the most varied. Jasmine herself was an unconventional duelist and that would prove useful here.

"It's been a while since I've dueled you magically, Tom. It's been nearly four and a half years," she commented as she kept her wand and knife at the ready. The golems behind them were shaking the very foundation they were standing on as they brought some of the giants to their knees.

Tom side eyed his falling comrades, but made no move to help them. "You just can't find competent help, though you have made collecting the people I need very difficult. I would almost say you had an uncanny ability to figure out key players that would help me take over the wizarding world."

"If I was that omnipotent you would have been stopped years ago," Jasmine scoffed, but made sure she kept her mind shielded, just in case Tom tried to possess her again. She didn't need that kind of headache a second time.

While Jasmine was holding Tom's interest, she could see Sirius was making his way over the Headmaster to check on him for injuries with her rune vision. It might take all three of them to subdue Tom. She needed them all in fighting shape.

"Still, it has been rather impressive to see you attempt to thwart my plans, but alas, you have fallen into my trap. This will be your grave, Jasmine Peverell, you and the majority of the Wizengamot are present here today. And, when you all die, there will be no one to rule Britain, save for me and a handful of my most loyal subjects. We will rebuild this world from its ashes and create a magical utopia for purebloods."

The Last PeverellOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora