Chapter 11

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Happy Friday everyone!

Chapter 11

Jasmine could feel the heated glare she was receiving from Severus. He looked extremely different, as did all of the people she had met from the past, but he even though he was scowling something fierce, he seemed less stressed and lighter than he did in the future. Severus was younger, lankier, his nose wasn't quite as hooked as it was in the future. She had always guessed that he had broken it sometime when he was younger, and it just didn't heal properly, and it seemed that she may have been right. His shoulders were hunched and there was a lack of confidence.

He didn't seem to be excited to have a potions partner.

The feeling was more than mutual, but Jasmine didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with Professor Slughorn. So, she sat down next to Severus Snape and prayed to Merlin she didn't lose her temper. Severus was one of the many wizards that Death had sent her back in time to save, so she was going to need to attempt to befriend him. Jasmine just hoped he was slightly more approachable than in the future.

For some reason, she highly any prayer would be answered.

She didn't even have time to introduce herself before Slughorn began class. "Welcome to your fifth year of potions. As you're going to hear quite often this week, this is your OWLS year. Today, we're going to be working with a potion that quite a few of you have probably seen before. Can anybody name this?" He motioned to a cauldron full of dreamless sleep potion. Jasmine had seen it more than enough times to know.

Jasmine watched as only Lily and Severus raised their hands. James and Sirius were busy sneering at Snape.


She shrugged and put her arm up as well. Slughorn's eyes lit up seeing his newest student participating in class and motioned towards her to answer.

"Ms. Peverell, what potion is this?"

Both Lily and Severus turned to glare at her. "It's Dreamless Sleep, used to aid people with insomnia. It's commonly giving to war victims and trauma suffers due to night terrors. The main problem with this potion is that it is highly addictive and can only be given sparingly or a dependence is created," she replied, going over everything she had learned about the potion over her nine lives.

Slughorn nodded vigorously in approval, his blue eyes gleaming in approval. "Yes, very good. It seems someone did her summer reading! Five points to Gryffindor!"

There was a snort from behind her. "More like she learned from firsthand experience." The voice was feminine, lofty and obnoxious. She had a gut feeling that it was a Slytherin pureblood. Jasmine didn't even bother to turn around to see who it was, she'd figure it out. For right now, class was more important.

Slughorn pretended to not hear what his Slytherin's were saying about her and pushed forward with his lesson. One had to love how the staff never stopped any bullying within the Hogwarts community.

She began to write the instructions down on the board. Jasmine was honestly grateful for being put in the front of the classroom. Slughorn had awful handwriting and with only one good eye she needed all the help she could get. Her rune couldn't sense writing, just moving things and objects. It was more like a bat's vision than anything else. Maybe in a few years, when she had enough time to pour over advanced runes she could create one that would get her vision back. Or, at least, mimic real vision enough for her eye seem to be completely functional.

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