Chapter 5

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Happy Friday! Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 5

Jasmine woke up on a dimly lit park bench. She remembered falling asleep in her room after patching Sirius up. She had felt drained, only patting Ro on the head once before drifting off.

Death was looming over her, a thin blue lipped grin could be seen under his hood. "It has been some time since I've spoken to you last, Master."

If she was seeing him then her mortal body was having fits. She no doubt would be scaring her family something awful while she awaits Death's message. If they even remembered her existence with Sirius in the house. "It has been awhile. I'm assuming the cat and wand were gifts?"

The deity nodded, his hood shifting to expose a pale throat. "They're apology gifts for the faulty body I prepared for you." At least he was being somewhat courteous, even if it was a bit creepy.

"Is that all you came to tell me?" She asked, sitting up next to him.

He shook his head. "Riddle knows that someone survived the attack at the manor. Be warned that he is searching for you," Death warned, a chilled hand rested on her exposed upper arm.

"Tom will always be after me. I'm surprised that he hasn't found out my identity yet."

"He may want you for an apprentice."

Jasmine snorted. "Only in his wildest dreams and my most vivid nightmares," she snarked, feeling herself beginning to lose her connection with Death, the park becoming dimmer.

She sent him an inquisitive look. This was a rather quick visit. "You gave the appropriate answer. Enjoy your time with your mortal acquaintances," he replied, before she felt herself slip away.

Always that charmer, Death.

Waking up, Jasmine found, was no easy task after a seizure. She felt heavy and tired, all of limbs felt like weights. Both her hands felt warmer than the rest of her arms. She forced her eyelids open and found that both James and Sirius were sleeping next to her bed in the arm chairs that had been against the far wall next to her school books, clutching her hands. Ro was purring next to her ear in an attempt to, more than likely, welcome her back to the world of the living.

She wiggled her fingers, causing both of them to stir from their slumber. James was the first to realize that she was awake and pounced on her. "Jazz! You're alright? Do you need something? I need to get dad and floo mum!" He exclaimed dashing out of the room, leaving a groggy Sirius as her only company.

He rubbed his grey eyes to clear the sleep from them before turning his attention to her. "What happened? James said that your healers mentioned that the fits are from the curses that were inflicted upon you after the battle?"

She nodded, knowing that she couldn't tell him the whole truth and just went with it. "Yes, these fits can happen at any time. Its why I had to spend so much time in the hospital before I was brought to live here," she replied, pushing herself up on shaky arms. Sirius was at her side helping with hesitant hands. It wasn't exactly proper for a male pureblood heir to be in the same bedroom unattended with a female heir, nevertheless touch her, but propriety be damned. Jasmine sure as hell didn't care, she was just grateful for the help.

"Bloody hell, you scared all of us. I've never seen Mrs. Potter look so worried. Was it my fault that you had that fit? You were exposed to the curse damage..." he asked, gaze going towards his healed arms.

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