Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

Jasmine tried not to dwell on her impending destiny too much as the weeks passed through the back end of her internship. She had spent most of it fixing the Fujiwara wards that the Lady herself had damaged in order to meet with Jasmine.

Sometimes destiny and fate needed to be helped along, or so Lady Fujiwara claimed. It wasn't much of a surprise hearing that she still had a destiny to complete. Jasmine could have told Lady Fujiwara about her destiny, it was something she had been acutely aware of since her first life. Though, the fact that her existence in this timeline had warped and changed other peoples' destinies was more of a surprise. She supposed it really shouldn't be, butterfly effect and all the twists and turns that comes with it. It was still insane to believe Heir Fujiwara's entire destiny shifted the moment Harriet took the mantel of Jasmine, that her mother felt everything shift the moment she woke up in that hospital bed two years ago. She wondered how many people have had their entire life path altered since she became a part of this timeline.

More than likely, it was more than Jasmine will ever know. So many people had died in the First Wizarding War that hopefully wouldn't this time around.

Well, if Jasmine was due to complete her destiny, Tom had better watch out, because she wouldn't be holding back next time she faced him.

Weeks turned to months and the group of four traveled across Eastern Asia at a steady pace. Jasmine had never learned more about runes in any of her lifetimes. It was getting to the point where she was sick of studying them, somewhat. They were still completely fascinating, but, sweet Morgana, did she need a break. The Runemasters spent extra time outside studying ancient sites cramming for her exams in a few weeks.

Jasmine was due to take her NEWTs when they arrived back in England. She was expected to get a minimum of EE in every field. They would prefer an O in nearly every subject. The higher the score the better chance of them taking her on as a permanent assistant that would eventually take their place as the lead Runemaster. That was their goal, but if she failed her tests, then they would need to look for someone else. Jasmine wasn't all that worried. She knew she had the practical down for charms, transfiguration and defense. The ancient runes section was beyond easy after spending an entire year with them. She was more concerned about potions and history of magic. While she was decent at both, neither were her specialty. Jasmine hadn't taken a NEWT level in either of these fields in a few lives and even going over the review material made her head swim a little bit.

"Come on, Peverell, list the ingredients for Drought of the Living Death in order, then the measurements required, the preparation and then the stirs or incantations as needed," Petunia quizzed as they rested in Potter Manor for the evening. They were finally back in England and Jasmine's tests were tomorrow. Most Hogwarts students had taken these tests about a week prior.

The two of them were in a dark room, so that Petunia could work on her photography, that Jasmine had charmed and warded for Petunia to use. It was faster and cheaper than the muggle alternative. Not to mention that Jasmine got to see all the photos and hear Petunia explain how she took them. Jasmine had been busy during a lot of the different times her friend had been taking pictures of the scenery or wildlife. It was nice seeing the year long trip through her eyes.

Letters from her friends and family picked up again after exams finished for the year. It was only a few weeks until they all graduated. Sirius had sent a few letters celebrating, but Jasmine had been far too busy studying to reply. She felt a bit bad, but after drowning in work for ten days straight, she figured she would make it up to him afterwards and then apologize for teasing him about his whining over all the work he had to do all year.

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