Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

Their little gossip session concluded not long after they finished talking about Remus' love life. The Runemasters had knocked on their door and told them to be ready to start exploring the temple in two hours. That gave Jasmine just enough time to say goodbye, eat, and shower.

"I will see you all at Christmas!" Jasmine said with a wave to the mirror before James, Remus, and Lily took their leave. Sirius lingered for a moment.

"Umm, my Aunt wanted to tell you that you're invited to the Christmas Gala were holding this year. It's at the father wants to figure out who is going to support us in the upcoming conflict. He also wants to remind the Dark aligned families that the Black Family has the money and prestige to host a party at the Ministry."

Sirius sounded less than thrilled about the prospect of spending Christmas Eve at the Ministry, Jasmine could relate to that.

"I'll be there. Are you okay? You seem a bit quiet. Is something bothering you?"

Sirius shook his head and bit his lip before answering. "Things are just strange. I've never felt more out of place amongst my friends. Who would have thought I'd be the single one? Heir Fujiwara is nice, but it wouldn't have worked out between us. Our relationship would have felt like some kind of business arrangement and that wasn't something either of us wanted. She's really nice and is more than willing to explain our cultural differences, but she only has eyes for Moony."

"I'm sure that you've had plenty of offers, Sirius. You are the heir to the Black Family," Jasmine replied with a frown. That title tended to bring Sirius more loneliness than companionship.

He shook his head, his shaggy hair flopping as he turned from side to side. "I've been avoiding those kinds of interactions. It just wouldn't seem fair to you. I know you said that we're on a break, but I want to prove that I'm willing to commit to this between us. You are worth waiting for, Jazz. I'm going to prove it."

Jasmine felt her cheeks heat up a bit at the admission. Before she could respond he hung up.


She spent the rest of the morning in a rush to make herself look remotely human. She wanted to make sure that she was ready to meet Blaise and his fiancé. It was odd enough that Blaise and Theo were think that he had a fiancé now. It was just so strange to Jasmine. This life had really brought about a lot of changes to her small group of friends. Though, there was a good chance that she wouldn't want to speak with Jasmine. The Mayan wizarding society at large didn't speak with outsiders outside of the Indigenous populations of North, Central and South America.

There was a distant lack of trust in Europeans in particular that had the Runemasters nervous as the group waited in front of the old temple. The weather was in their favor today. It was warm, but not oppressively sunny, it also wasn't pouring buckets down on them. The humidity was awful, but that was to be expected from more tropical areas of the world. They were surrounded by vegetation and the quiet whistling of the wind.

There was a rustling from the bushes to their left as Blaise emerged holding a branch away from a small young woman that would have to have been his fiancé. She was wearing a traditional huipil, one that spoke of rank by the intricate designs and patterns adorning it.

"This is the girl you've told me about? I expected her to be taller," the young woman said, just loud enough for them all to hear her clearly. Blaise rolled his eyes, his long hair tied back in a braid. They were no doubt speaking English for their sake since she knew from Theo that English, or any colonizer's language, is something that they try to avoid using.

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