Chapter 62

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Happy Friday the 13th!

Chapter 62

Naturally, it was pouring the morning of Wizengamot meeting. Lily and Jasmine were in their best robes as they approached the floo in the Headmaster's office. It was bound to be a long afternoon and Jasmine wasn't really looking forward to it. Being questioned by the entire Wizengamot wasn't something she really ever enjoyed. At least she wasn't on trial this time...

Dumbledore would be accompanying them, seeing as he presides over the meetings. Of course, Dumbledore was wearing hideous mauve robes, but neither Jasmine nor Lily said anything about how it clashed with not only his hair, but Lily's. Speaking of her roommate, she was wringing out her robes between her hands. Jasmine had her research papers, books and blood samples in her canvas bag, which was situated under her left arm.

Jasmine was shifting from foot to foot as they waited for Dumbledore to prep the floo. Honestly, Lily seemed terrified, her eyes moving around the room, but not really focusing on anything in particular. She had good reason to be afraid, these people had the ability to ruin her future if this isn't successful. There was also the fact that, not only was she going to stand in front of a bunch of stuffy purebloods, but she would be going on her first date with James tomorrow morning. The poor girl was having a stressful start to her weekend.

"Are you girls ready?" The Headmaster asked as the floo roared to life in front of them. With a brief nod from both of them, they stepped through and entered the Ministry, which was just as chaotic as Jasmine remembered it being. She looked around, craning her neck, attempting to see some kind of difference from the future she lived in for nine previous lives. Sadly, at a cursory glance, all she could see was the main atrium, which hadn't changed at all. Though there were a lot more people milling about than she was used to seeing. The population hadn't quite dipped down to the point where the wizarding world would never recover.

"This is wicked," Lily muttered, eyes traveling along the different statues and offices they passed as they made their way to the elevator. Euphemia was supposed to meet them at the court room. Jasmine wouldn't be surprised if she saw Orion and Cassiopeia Black there as well. Augusta Longbottom should also be in attendance. Honestly, Jasmine wouldn't be surprised if Lily tried to corner Augusta after the meeting to speak to her about Alice and Frank. Lily could be persistent like that.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, drawing the attention of both girls as the moved through the halls. "Now, you two are going to have an eventful afternoon, but be wary. These meetings can be long. We're going over the research you have complied, Ms. Peverell, just know that if the findings aren't as revolutionary as you're claiming, there could be backlash, or if they are as revolutionary as you think they are, you could be the target of this new Dark Lord's attacks."

Jasmine rolled her eyes as her hands tightened around the strap of her bad. "He seems to have targeted the Potter family and has sent a few people to attempt to recruit me to no avail. I don't think making him hate me more would sour our relationship further," she replied with a nonchalant air, that had Lily shooting her warning glares.

It wasn't long until they approached a large set of oak doors, three gemstones that were set in the center were glowing a ruby red. Jasmine focused on the door with her rune vision eye and noticed an intricate pattern surrounding the locks. It seemed to be Nordic in origin though it was all interwoven through old Germanic runes as well. They all equaled some king of great lock. More than likely, only the head of the meetings could unlock them.

"Mistress Peverell, it's lovely to see that you've made it safe and sound!" A familiar female voice called over Dumbledore's shoulder, who had just raised his wand to the first gemstone.

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