Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

The year ended on a surprisingly quiet note compared to every other year that Jasmine had ever had at Hogwarts. There wasn't a large attack at the end of the term that had caused her to miss exams and she was able to ride home on the train for the last time in this life.

She even arrived back a Potter Manor with no problems. Euphemia and Monty were, as always, happy to see both James and Jasmine as they regaled their guardians with various stories from their time at school. James, as always, had a lot more to tell, with significantly more embellishments than Jasmine did, but Euphemia and Monty listened all the same.

That evening she poured over political documents that Euphemia had left for her to look over from the last few Wizengamot meetings she had missed due to final exams. Revising was far more important than a few meetings, or so Euphemia had insisted. Jasmine wasn't so sure as she read what had transpired while she was focused elsewhere.

She supposed that Tom would more than likely focus his attentions on a more politically charged field, especially since his last raid failed to capture his intended targets. Now that Tom had upset the Black Family, he had to be far more careful with his attacks. If he were to lose any more support from the dark families in power he might not have a strong enough foothold in Britain to create his uprising.

Wouldn't that be a shame?

Though, as always, Dumbledore was helping Tom gain followers by continually trying to ban all kinds of dark magic or anything that resemble dark magic. To be fair Dumbledore was also creating a large following himself using this tactic, just on the other side of the spectrum with light magic users. In Jasmine's opinion, it was polarizing people and causing more harm than good. He might have been a great teacher in theoretical transfiguration and a fairly decent orator, but he wasn't nearly as politically savvy as someone his age really should have been. He had been riding on the coattails of defeating Grindelwald for years.

Jasmine bit her lip and picked up her quill. She had some letters to write to allies.

It wasn't all fun and games back home. Jasmine had to prepare for her coming of age ceremony in July. That was going to take quite a bit of time to prep and that was if she was lucky enough to slip away from her family members. She didn't need them asking questions about the Peverell inheritance or trying to look into it. She knew what was going to be asked of her and it wasn't going to be something that any parent or family member would really want to know about.

Which, by mid-July was finally starting to grate on her. James was constantly asking questions. It was a rainy Saturday when Jasmine finally reached her wits end with him. They were sitting in the parlor, both of them resting in the wood framed window seats, plush cousins underneath them. The two of them had different books open in front of them. James was working on his summer homework and Jasmine had a book of runes she was supposed to memorize for her internship in a few weeks.

They had been sitting in silence for nearly two hours, just the scratching of their quills and the rain as the only noise in the room.

Naturally, James had to ruin it. "So, do you even know what you're supposed to do? Do you need help? I'd be glad to be a caster or whatever it is that your family needs."

What she needed was a casting ground. There was one at the Peverell Estate, but she couldn't access that till she came of age, so she had been slowly creating one in the fields a small distance away from the quidditch pitch.

Jasmine had already created the rune circle that she would need to lay in for the majority of the ritual. It would keep anyone unwanted out and let her magic do what it needed to do without anyone getting in the way.

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