Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Severus took about two weeks to write up a response. It was the same day that Professor Flitwick had decided to hold dueling trials for his fifth years. It was mid-October and the pre-winter chill was setting into the castle grounds and walls. More than once Jasmine found herself cold at night, wrapping herself up in some extra blankets, just enjoying the feeling of bitter chill in the air. The weather was still nice enough to have most of the students outside when classes weren't in session, which is why the tournament was being allowed in the first place. Dumbledore seemed less than pleased that they were even attempting this kind of event.

Kill joy.

The little makeshift tournament was being held in a transfigured version of the Great Hall. It was very reminiscent of an even that hadn't happened yet in this timeline, but had happened to Jasmine on nine different occasions when Lockhart had been a professor. Though, Severus didn't look nearly as murderous here as he did in the future. Right now, he looked rather docile, if not a bit peaky from nerves. He had been escorted into the hall by those seventh years again before he shooed them away. As soon as they were out of sight he went over to Lily to start an awkward conversation of some kind. Jasmine could see their friendship breaking apart and she was honestly worried about them. She knew that her mother held nothing romantic towards Severus, who was madly in love with her. The real issue had to do with his friends in Slytherin trying to push him into the arms of a Dark Lord.

At least she had convinced him to talk to his family. This way Severus might have a way out of his abusive household that didn't have to do with a man so obsessed with snakes that he turns himself into one and then attempts to murder a fourteen-year-old and fails.

A large group of faculty members showed up to the event as well. Brightbark was there, naturally, he was the defense professor and was more than likely going to give pointers to the students as they dueled each other... probably the first time in their lives. The headmaster had also shown up, wearing the loudest shade of lavender Jasmine had the misfortune of seeing. Actually, all the Heads of House were present, no doubt they had made an appearance to award house points or take their charges to the hospital wing if things got out of hand, which they more than likely were.

The sixth and seventh years had already competed and there had been quite a few injuries. No one had gotten permanently injured over anything, so there was that. But, the younger the duelists were, they better change there was of some kind of accident happening that no one would have foresaw, or, at least, that's what Jasmine had noticed. She figured that it had to do with accidental magic being more prevalent in younger children, causing their dueling to be based more off of feelings and reactions more than anything else.

It was going to be interesting to see who was going to end up in the top five in the year. Jasmine figured that she would be up there, but the other four spots were up in the air.

James and Sirius had convinced Jasmine to join the competition late last night. She honestly hadn't wanted to compete. She knew that she would win and that made things extremely boring for her. Jasmine wanted a challenge. Duels weren't fun if she didn't have some kind of a fight. Maybe Flitwick would duel her if she asked nicely.

Remus was absent, dealing with his monthly problem. It was disappointing that he was going to miss the matches. Remus had a talent for spellcasting and his reflexes were unnaturally quick, but his illness was going to keep him away from standing out too much. The two remaining Marauders were excitedly talking about the different ways that they were going disarm and fight the other competitors. Jasmine wanted to interject multiple times about the flaws in their plans, but she refrained herself.

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