Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

Jasmine wasn't really allowed to cast magic for at least two weeks after, what the Marauders began to call, the bathroom incident, on Pomfrey's strict orders. She wasn't sure how the Mediwitch knew if she so much as thought about casting a spell, but Pomfrey always gave her disapproving looks in the Hospital Wing. Jasmine figured it would be best not to push the Mediwitch. No matter what time period she was in, Pomfrey was a terrifying force to reckoned with.

Though, with all the homework and assignments she had to catch up on, there wasn't much time for her to dwell on the fact she had couldn't actively use her magic. Magical theory was taking up more of her time than she knew what to do with it.

Even Death had cautioned against Jasmine spellcasting for the time being. The Deity had sheepishly told her that too much of her magic had been taken and she might need to take it easy for a while to recover. Death had mentioned that there was a basilisk fang waiting for her in the Chamber of Secrets. Though, she wouldn't be able to go down there for at least another week, and that was if she was lucky enough to get the Marauders off of her back for a little while.

That seemed highly unlikely, by the way they were hovering around her.

The best thing to have come out of this was the second evening of her time in the hospital wing was when Death explained what had happened after she collapsed. Apparently, Lady Magic hadn't given her as much of a boost as Death had thought and had gotten an earful on the celestial plane. Jasmine wished she had been there to see that. It might have made this entire situation worth it.

This left her writing essays in most classes while her peers practiced spells and wand work. It wasn't like Jasmine couldn't do any of the material once she was back at full strength. She had been leading in most classes in regard to silent casting to the point it was frustrating her friends and classmates.

After potions ended, the fifth day after she had been released from the Hospital Wing, Severus cornered her as she cleaned up her station. The Marauders had all had prior engagements after class, which left Jasmine alone, finally. She loved the boys dearly, but they hovered. Slughorn had left already. He trusted Jasmine and Severus to leave the room in the same shape they found it in, which was a mess after a long period of brewing. He even gave them a wink on his way out...not that she appreciated that very much. Severus looked appropriately scandalized.

"Like I would be foolish enough to even consider what he was insinuating..." he muttered with an eyeroll.

Jasmine raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "I know that I strike fear into the hearts of wizards and witches alike, but should I be insulted that I'm too terrifying to be considered for courting?"

Severus muttered something under his breath before helping her collect some of the books on her desk. "The Black Family will murder anyone that even thinks about courting you. They have their eyes on you marrying their heir. No pureblood in the country would risk their neck on you."

She sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair. "That figures. Has your grandfather started looking for a bride for you?"

Severus flushed, turning his head in the other direction. "While it really isn't any of your concern, yes he has. I will be meeting with a few different witches over the next couple months to see if betrothal is an option. There are apparently quite a few pureblood witches that are willing to marry a halfblood as long as they are from a decent family."

Jasmine nearly rolled her eyes. She could have told him that. As long as his grandfather was looking outside of England, there wasn't going to be nearly as much pureblood supremacy talk. Halfbloods are welcomed in most magical communities, so long as they're competent wizards.

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