Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It took another week for Lord Prince to send his reply letter. By September twenty-ninth, Jasmine received another letter and large package from Gringotts via the Potter family barn owl, Apollo. The owl was James' personal message carrier and Jasmine trusted the bird. Though, he was the vainest bird Jasmine had ever met. Apollo took after his owner in that way and preened under the constant petting that Jasmine was giving him as she read the bank files that the goblins had sent her. There were quite a few families that owed her large sums of money...the loans had been put on hold when the Peverell family went into hiding after the rise of Grindewald. They must be quaking in their boots to learn that her family line was active on British soil again.

She gave Apollo a thin strip of bacon as she flipped open the letter from Lord Prince. James grumbled to her left about spoiling the bird and the owl having a new favorite human instead of him.

James wasn't wrong, the bird did like her more, but that was because they had an understanding and she thanked him after ever delivery. Her cousin could be a bit of brat when it came to saying thank you. It was hard delivering mail to the right person, it had to be taxing, so she treated Apollo the same way she had always treated Hedwig. She gave him lots of treats and respected him as a magical animal.

As Apollo flew off, she reread the letter in her hand. Lord Prince was asking for a favor, one that could put them in the debt of House Peverell for some time. All she had to do was convince Severus to speak with his Grandfather and to have them meet in person at some point in the near future. Lord Prince was getting up in years and wanted to make sure that his house had an heir before he died. He didn't want his fortune going to the government or whoever was acting as Severus' magical guardian, since they were apparently blocking all of his mail.

Elaine Prince hadn't died yet. She should be his magical guardian, but from her historical reports, Severus' mother wasn't all that magically powerful. Jasmine honestly didn't think that she was powerful enough to block letters from her own father. She clicked her tongue, someone was going to get in trouble for that, if they could track the magical signature of the person blocking the letters.

That was for another day...Jasmine figured it was either Dumbledore or dear old Tom. Both had government pull and both had something to gain from destroying neutral families and taking the money from dying branches.

This was a task easier said than done, since she only saw the future potions master in class and he really didn't talk to her much outside of potions. With the way that Slytherin House was treating her, it would be social suicide for Severus to speak with her outside of class and even when they spoke it could really only be considered monosyllables uttered to her. She'd need to hunt him down and somehow convince him to speak to the grandfather that he no doubt thought hated him for his mere existence as a halfblood.

There was so much acting against her. She was James' cousin. She was a Gryffindor and she hated the Dark Lord that many of Severus' good friends thought was brining in an age of prosperity for their people.

Jasmine thumped her head against the table.

"Still think it's fun being the heir to a family, Jazz?" Sirius teased from across the table. She flipped him off in reply, which had both James and Remus howling with laughter.

So, this brought her to the library, after extensively begging for Lily's help, Jasmine had managed to get the red head to tell her where the elusive Slytherin spent his time outside of class. Jasmine only needed to bribe her roommate with some rather hard to find books on pureblood culture. Lily was like Hermione in that sense.

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