Chapter 58

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Raphael eventually drops Jaime off in my room to keep me company as he has to have a word to the King and he also wanted to help protect the palace against the new threat.

“I think this is more serious than we realise,” Jaime says, sitting next to me on the comfy bed, arms crossed against her chest.

“What do you mean?” I ask, lying down and staring at the ceiling. All I knew was everything was unknown at this point. No one knew what Eddrick was up to, and two of my friends had vanished into thin air.

“We all thought the prophecy was misinterpreted, what if we were right the whole time?” Jaime asks, “It’s pretty damn clear about one thing, This human has only one weakness, they will be bonded completely to one supernatural being… Their souls will be intertwined. If they merge, either light or darkness will ensue. I don’t know about you but I think that means Eddrick is going to do something terrible with our blood,” Jaime explains. I listen thoughtfully and think for a moment.

“At least we are in control of our own bodies right?” I add, “He only has some of our blood and we have good protection here, hopefully they find a way to stop him from sneaking into the palace again to get to us.” Jaime goes quiet and I think about mentioning my parents, and wonder if she’ll want to meet them, when there is a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I ask loudly.

“It’s me, Rory, and I have a visitor,” Rory says from the other side.

“Okay,” I reply, and stand up and walk over, I open the door and find Rory standing with a very tall witch with silver long hair. She was wearing a hippie rainbow coloured maxi dress, and it contrasted with her hair. She also carried a bag with her, which clinked with her movements. I knew she was a witch by the distinct tattoo at the corner of her left eye. It looked like a star, “Hi,” I welcome cautiously. The witch smiles briefly before making her way into the room past me.

“This is the most powerful, oldest witch in the city,” Rory says quietly to me, “Her name is Meredith.”

“Rory informed me on what happened to both of you so I invited myself into this sordid palace,” she states in a bold and husky voice, motioning for Jaime to come over closer, “I am here to offer my protection in return for information.”

“What type of information?” Jaime asks suspiciously and she comes to stand beside me to face off Meredith.

“If you both tell me everything that happened in that dream you both received, I can cast a spell on both of you, the most protective spell I know, to give you a strong defence against the monster following you,” The witch explains, she looks at us with eyes that swirl different colours of the rainbow. I didn’t notice until I stopped and looked into them properly. It was eerily beautiful.

“Something else has happened since the dream,” I say slowly, I find the truth spilling out of my mouth and I can’t help but think the witch is using some sort of compulsion on me, “Eddrick came to us.” Meredith’s eyes flash with knowledge and they widen as I say his name.

“I need to know everything that happened to both of you,” she insists, she brings her palm up in front of us, oddly wrinkled compared to her younger face, and she brings up a long sharp nail from her other hand. She cuts a line down the middle of her palm as she says, “I swear upon death I will cast a spell to protect you both if you tell me everything.” She closes her palm and opens it, and I see the blood rise in smoke through the air.

Jaime doesn’t look too convinced, and I still feel unsure.

“She can be trusted,” Rory adds in, noting our discomfort, “Meredith is the strongest good witch in the city. She only uses good magic.”

Prince DarriusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora