Part 2 Chapter 17

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Once in Xavier's room, Caitlin heads straight over to the couches surrounding the fire place.

"I'll light the fire," she says, "It's pretty chilly in here, don't you think?" I was still wearing my tight black dress and even though it had no sleeves, I wasn't cold. But I don't complain.

"So how did Eddrick get in your head?" I ask, "Do you know how it happened?"

Caitlin takes her time to reply as she places the short sword on the coffee table and starts to light the fire. I notice that my ring cools as she places the weapon on the coffee table.

Curious, I lean forward and pick it up. The hilt feels comfy in my hand and the weapon itself isn't heavy. I'd have to get Darrius to teach me how to use weapons sooner rather than later. Being helpless was starting to get real old with me; I needed to learn how to protect myself.

"Yeah, he got in my head -" as she turns around, she pauses when she sees me holding the short sword, "Uh..." I see her eye the weapon and one of her hands starts to shake.

I quickly put down the sword on the table and frown.

"What is it that you have to tell me, Caitlin?" I ask.

"My sister was hurt," she says.


"Well..." Caitlin hesitates before crawling over to my couch and pulling out an opened gift that was hiding underneath. She places it on the table and takes off a layer of wrapping to show me what is underneath.

I gasp, my hand going up to my mouth.

"Oh my gosh!" I look through wide eyes from the present to Caitlin. There were two fingers and blonde hair, bloodied and starting to go grey, "Did Eddrick do this? What would he want with you?"

"He wants me to help him," she says, looking down at the floor before meeting my eyes, "I either help him or he'll kill my sister. What would you choose to do, Jennifer, if you were in my position? If someone threatened to kill the closest person to you - if you didn't do what they told you to do."

"I would do whatever was necessary to protect the one I loved," I blurt without hesitation, "What did he ask you to do, Caitlin?"

"I have to kill someone," she says, "It's the choice between one innocent life and another."

I instantly pale as I watch Caitlin lean forward and pick up the short sword.

"It's... it's me, isn't it?" I whisper, feeling frozen to my spot on the couch, "You know I'm immortal, I can't die."

"I have to cut off your head," she says, "And burn it in the fire."

There is a moment of silence as she sits there, clearly contemplating when to go for me - but her conscious is clearly holding her back. She is hesitating.

"Why did you tell me this?" I ask simply, jumping to my feet. With almost impossible, vampire-like speed - Caitlin also jumps to her feet opposite me, "How...?"

"You deserve to know the reason why I have to kill you," Caitlin says, her voice suddenly very steady.

I'm starting to get more anxious, my heart beating faster as I skit to the side, aiming to put more distance between us.

Except she runs to the door and locks it - in the blink of an eye.

"Are you a vampire?" I gasp.

"No," she admits, "Eddrick enhanced my strength and agility just for the amount of time I need to do the job. To save Abbey."

I gulp.

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