Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Once back inside the underground palace we all decide to take a break. Darrius and Maximus had explained how they still needed to blindfold me when I was taken into the palace through the main entrance as it was custom to do so to all non-vampires. They had taken off the blindfold just now and I take in the living area we were now occupying. Claudia and John were both reclining on a couch together while Maximus and Darrius stood near me. 

“Where did Owen and Leah go?” I ask, looking around the room. I remember Darrius had shown me this room on his quick tour of the palace. I remember that he said it was a royal family living area, where they could relax. There were many book shelves, a massive fire place, a flat screen TV three times bigger than the one I had at home, many couches and a snooker table at one end. It was empty except for us.

“Those two like to keep to themselves,” Claudia explains while resting in Johnathan’s arms. Darrius has his own arms crossed over his chest, a vacant expression on his face as he thought of something deeply. Maximus leans back against the armrest of a chair close by and gives me a smile as I look around the room, feeling a little light headed and hungry again. I decide to sit on the couch opposite Claudia and Johnathan. 

“Owen and Leah were pissed off they didn’t get to make a surprise attack against the werewolves,” Maximus explains to me, “They like action. But it’s good it all ran smoothly. Are you feeling alright Jennifer, darling? You look a little pale.” I bring my legs up onto the couch and curl them under me, I hug a pillow to my chest, getting comfortable. Darrius scowls at Maximus before looking down at me curiously.

“I’m fine, I just gave a lot of blood in the last two hours,” I explain, “I need some food. I feel like chocolate, actually. I think my blood sugar level has dropped.” 

“Darrius,” Johnathan says calmly, giving his brother a stern look, “You need to be more careful with Jennifer, she’s only young and I believe you keep on forgetting to feed her. Did she even get lunch today?”

“No,” Darrius looks at me with a bit of guilt, “Would you like to eat now?” I nod and Darrius un-crosses his arms from over his chest and comes to sit down next to me. I look up at him questioningly as he settles in close beside me and puts an arm around my shoulders, his hand almost unconsciously starts patting my head, his fingers running through my hair. I turn to glare at him but he has his attention focused on Maximus.

“Since you are so interested in what’s mine,” Darrius drawls off to his best friend, “Why don’t you go get her some food?” Maximus winks at me and I blush as he leans up from off the arm rest.

“I’ll let the King know everything went as planned,” Maximus drawls back to Darrius in the same tone, “Then I’ll come back with something for her, since she is a sweetheart. It’s funny she was paired with you, Darrius.”

“Piss off,” Darrius snaps, “You know she is my life-mate from the prophecy, go find another human girl to capture. You’re just jealous that she is mine.” 

“How many times do you have to say she’s mine?” I ask, exasperated, trying to swat his hand away from my hair.

“Because you try to deny it,” Darrius growls back, “It’ll be better for you if you start accepting it.”

“It’s not true,” I stand up off the couch, still holding my pillow to my chest. Darrius lets me stand reluctantly. I stalk my way over to another couch and plunk myself down onto it with a sigh. I lie down the length so Darrius has no space to join me. I hear Claudia laugh and I look over to see that Darrius is still seated on the same couch, glaring at me.

“You’re looking lonely there, buddy,” Maximus smiles at Darrius, who scowls in return, “I’ll be back with some food,” Maximus farewells and leaves the room with long strides. I stare at Darrius, but I don’t glare this time. I liked having Darrius’ arm around me but I needed to prove that I wasn’t a pet. He had a bad habit of stroking my hair like I was his pet. 

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