Chapter 49

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As I stand tied to the tree I kick off my shoes because they are uncomfortable and I try to ignore the constant heat and pain from the wedding ring I wore which signalled danger when it became hot against my skin. As the hour approached the temperature simply increased and the pain was becoming almost unbearable. I tried to think of a way to escape and I had a small plan.

My blood.

I had to use my blood as a weapon against the werewolves.

I had already started pressing my nails into my skin to try and break the skin’s barrier but I didn’t have the guts to do it because every time I got close to cutting myself it hurt too much.

All I needed to do was bleed a little, then ask Christian to loosen the ropes around my wrists slightly and in the process I’d touch his hands, my blood would make contact with his skin and –

A loud and piercing howl breaks the quiet of Evergreen forest.

Christian who was pacing in front of me halts and a grin spreads across his face as the sounds of a fight start to ensue. Snarling, barking, growling, cursing, all of the above begins to spread through the forest.

“Darrius!” I scream, “Don’t try and save me! It’s too dangerous!” I yell as loudly as I can.

The fighting continues to spread all around us, and Christian turns to me with his evil smirk.

“Go ahead, your wailing will bring him straight to me. He came with company,” Christian says, “The fun begins.” I grit my teeth and push my nails as hard as I can into my skin, this time sucking up the pain and breaking the skin’s barrier. I jerk from the pain but stay silent.

I feel warm blood start trickling from my palm.

“Go to hell,” I snarl back at Christian, who just laughs.

“That was a decent effort at a growl, but you’re a human, Jennifer, not a wolf,” Christian says this with much amusement.

He starts stripping, taking off his jacket and shirt, preparing to morph into his wolf form. It’s as he’s about to take off his jeans that Ruby comes running through the bushes and into our little clearing. She has blood on her jacket, glistening red.

“He’s coming,” Ruby pants, “His friends are fighting the werewolves, they’ve been casualties on either side, we are winning so far. They are distracting most of the werewolves so Darrius can come to you directly. He’ll be here any se –”

Just as she is about to finish her sentence, there is a thud in the trunk of the tree I’m tied too and suddenly my ropes fall off around me and drop to the ground, however my wrists are still tied. Someone had cut my ropes.

I take a step forward but Ruby quickly comes up behind me, grabbing both my arms she holds me steadily back against her.

Suddenly Christian is dodging to the side as a dagger comes flying through the air towards him. Ruby suddenly releases me and puts me in a headlock. I let her do it, my hands now just above her leather pants. I open my palms and wait for the blood to drip down onto her pants, into the section where her boots opened, so my blood could make contact with her skin.

Now I just had to wait for the blood to drip.

“Surrender or I snap her neck!” Ruby snarls into the forest around me, where the vampires were hiding. Ruby and Christian didn’t know I could come back to life if I died. Hopefully Darrius would just let her snap my neck and deal with me later when I came back to life, if he didn’t die in the process of trying to recover my body.

Out of nowhere Darrius steps into the clearing, blood splattered over his body.

“I’ve always wanted to kill a vampire the old fashioned way,” Christian says with a grin, and I see he has picked up a piece of wood to act as a stake instead of him morphing into his wolf form, “No vampire has ever beaten me in a fight, you should know you are going to die for not coming here alone.”

Prince DarriusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora