Part 2 Chapter 19

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Jennifer's POV

I look into all the windows as Caitlin replies to Xavier's text. I spot movement on the other side of the house, the only window that seems to show any sort of activity.

"What room is that one?" I ask Caitlin and she looks up to see where I am watching.

"One of the living areas," she whispers, "Time is running out, I should go in now."

"Wait, what about waiting for Abbey first?" I ask, worried.

However Caitlin has a desperate look in her eye now and she shakes her head and stands, holding the needle full of my blood.

"It's now or never I can feel my power slowly starting to ebb away," she explains, "Stay on the lookout." I watch as Caitlin pushes her shoulders back, narrows her eyes at her house and takes a deep breath.

And then she runs to the door so fast that even with what little moonlight there is, I hardly see her move. She was like lightening, ridiculously fast. Whatever black magic Eddrick had used to enhance Caitlin's body like that... there must be consequences, surely.

I hear a rustle from the bushes near Abbey's window and I look to see Isobel disappear into the garden. Confused, I wait for her to reappear but she doesn't. There is just silence.

I look towards the front door, where Caitlin has broken the lock and entered the house.

I text Isobel a question mark, but when she doesn't reply straight away I decide to check out the situation myself. I creep over as quietly as possible, as of yet there is no commotion from inside so I hope Caitlin is okay.

When I reach Abbey's window I see that it is open, and Maximus and Isobel are nowhere to be seen. I spot Abbey, sitting on the edge of her bed, legs curled up to her chest and her head buried in her knees. One of her hands is bandaged.

"Abbey –" I can't finish calling out to her because a hand covers my mouth and a knife is pushed up against my throat.

"What are you doing here?" I know that feminine but rough voice. Ruby. She lets me reply by taking her hand away, however the knife remains at my throat.

"I'm here to save a friend," I blurt out, "I'd get that knife away from my throat, you make me bleed and you might die, remember last time?"

Surprisingly she lets me go instantly and I turn around to face her, I didn't bring weapons with me except for the needle which I gave to Caitlin and I had my mobile phone. That was it. I was in nothing but my black dress and Ruby was decked out in a black leather jacket and blue jeans, her hair cut short – above her shoulders.

"Where is Maximus and Isobel?" I ask, confused about how they disappeared.

"They are not my issue, you are," she hisses, "Get your friend and leave, now. Where did the other blonde girl go?"

If she had been watching, maybe she missed Caitlin move so fast.

"The other blonde girl is called Caitlin," I explain, "And she lives here, so you can't tell her to leave. This might be on the edge of your territory but –"

"A truce was made to face Eddrick together," Ruby sheaths her knife at her belt and looks down on me, she was so tall and lanky in a super-model kind of way and I can't help but instantly feel threatened. Not to mention the fact she could change into a wolf.

I wish I had more of an ability rather than just enhanced blood. Being a human really was so much weaker in terms of physicality, compared to supernatural creatures.

"I know, Darrius explained," I say, "But it's complicated."

"Get your friend and leave," Ruby says, "Christian's pissed off enough as it is. You won't get your friends back until you pay us. I could take you too but I've been watching that girl," she nods towards Abbey. I turn around and I see she has noticed us and is peaking at us over her knees, "She needs help. Take her and leave, you have two minutes."

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