Part 2 Chapter 29

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Jennifer's POV

We walk down relatively normal looking corridors, and I vaguely wonder if I'm being paranoid about the danger that I believe is presented to me by this place. After all, I didn't even know what they really wanted, whoever 'they' were, and why they were paying twenty million for my capture.

"What are you going to do with twenty million?" I ask Jay, curious and nervous at the same time.

"Five million is my share," he corrects with a smile, and pauses when he glances at me and inspects my eyes thoroughly. I don't know what he is debating but he eventually says, "I'm going to get a ticket out of this town and get a job somewhere far away, maybe I'll head to some tropical islands and get a small job."

"Oh? Five million to become a waiter on a tropical Island, huh? Sounds like your aspirations about life are lacking," I say humorously.

"What are your aspirations?" he asks me, "Not that you have much say in what happens to you," he says this part seriously, "Sucks for you that you are the main component of a prophecy. You were born terribly unlucky in my own opinion."

"Yeah... I don't know how many times I've been kidnapped recently, god knows who'll catch me next," I say, "At least these people are the government, they shouldn't hurt me... I hope."

"I'm sure they'll use you for their own ends, and then hopefully let you go, for your sake," he says.

"Or you could let me go," I add in, narrowing my eyes at him and he just chuckles.

"Five million is too good to pass up, babe," he lets out a fluttery sigh as he seems to retreat into himself, thinking about the future. I catch my breath at the endearment, I don't even think he realized what he called me until his eyes come back into focus and he quickly looks at me to catch my reaction as he continues to lead me down the long halls.

"I don't think you should call me babe, Jay," I accuse, a bit playfully, trying to get onto his good side. Maybe if I sucked up to him, he would feel too guilty about what he was taking part in, "I'm taken by another version of you," I joke and he grins.

"I've always hated the fact I was born to look just like that dickhead prince," he replies and I can't help but blush at the sudden insult to Darrius. I bite my tongue and try not to laugh, "He has good taste in women though, that's for sure," he trails off a bit and this time I blush because of the compliment, "Overseas I guess I'll have to find a pretty girl like you, hmmm... here we are."

I had been so caught up in the conversation I didn't even realise that we had come to a slow stop outside a huge set of thick metal doors with a complicated lock and entry keypad on the side.

I watch him as he reaches over to put in the pin, he doesn't hide his hand as he punches in the numbers, 9, 7, 2, 5, 3.

I quickly dart my eyes away, replaying the lock number over and over again in my head so I don't forget. 9, 7, 2, 5, 3... 9, 7, 2, 5,3.

Hopefully he didn't catch me looking at the password.

"Mmmm, maybe that'll help you if you need it," he mutters quietly to himself. I look at him in shock for a second... did he just help me? On purpose?

I am correct, because he gives me a wink.

"Follow me, Jennifer," he continues, walking through the huge metal doors that slide open quickly. I follow hesitantly. I go silent, not sure what to say anymore, "I guess this is the last time I'll see you," he says as he leads me down a cold white tiled corridor. All the doors are closed with complicated locks and are labelled 'lab room' or 'restricted access'. He walks me down to two huge sliding doors that are already open and he leads me into an enormous modern science lab. I see about ten scientists running around writing notes and labelling bottles.

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