Part 2 Chapter 14

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Jennifer's POV

Maximus and Isobel lie together on top of the bed in the Queen's old quarters - Isobel's new room. Blood soaks the sheets but we can do little about that. I place Isobel's dismembered arm where it should be and then I look away, feeling queasy while Darrius paces the room.

"I don't want to rely on her," Darrius growls under his breath.

"Rely on who?" I ask, facing him as he paces.

"We need a witch," Leah answers for him, she is lying on the couch nursing her leg, staring at Darrius, "We need Meredith -"

"No," Darrius cuts her off instantly.

"She is the strongest witch in the city!" Leah yells, frustrated, "We don't have a choice. Call her - now."

Darrius pauses in his pacing and glares at Leah and then me, before glancing at Maximus and Isobel on the bed - both bodies healing too slowly, if at all. They were pretty much dead, as Leah had said.

"God damn this," Darrius snarls, stalking his way over to the phone on the bed side table. He picks it up and dials a number - having an incredibly short conversation with whoever is on the other end of the phone. When he hangs up he turns around to glare at Leah, "I told Xavier to call her - she won't come for me."

"What is the bad blood between you and Meredith?" I ask.

"Never you mind, sweetheart," Darrius growls this low, highly tense and on edge.

"You need to relax," I say, even though I know it's a stupid thing to say when his best friend was possibly too far gone to bring back to life.

There is a knock at the door and then is swings opens.

Revealing someone I didn't expect to see.


He steps right into the room without hesitation.

"Hey, Darrius, I was looking for you," he says calmly, in an even-tone... not at all crazy.

Everyone is frozen to the spot as he stands there with his hands in his pockets. He is wearing a black suit and seems normal enough.

"John?" I ask, confused.

"This is the second time I've been given these sorts of looks," he says to all of us, laughing - slightly nervous, "Did I do something wrong? I'm just looking for dad, do you know where he is?" he asks Darrius.

"No, I don't," Darrius answers bluntly, predator eyes trained on his youngest brother - assessing what the hell was going on.

"Well, I have to find him so I'll talk to you guys later, okay?" he backs out into the hall, closing the door.

"What the hell?" I ask, getting to my feet and turning to Darrius, "He isn't crazy anymore! How is that possible?"

"How do we know he isn't crazy, darling?" Darrius asks this with a raised eyebrow, "It doesn't make sense."

"Shouldn't you go follow him and find out?" I ask, exasperated.

"I'm not leaving them," Darrius motions to the bed, "Leah needs support too."

"Johnathan didn't comment on Leah's leg or Maximus and Isobel," I say, "Isn't that weird?"

"Yes. Good point! Bloody hell," Darrius walks towards the phone once more, "I'll get Owen to pull Johnathan aside and tie him down. We can't trust him."

"Owen will be on security duties on the cameras," Leah pipes in, "Get him to track down Johnathan fast. We need to know why he is going for the King."

Prince DarriusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora