Part 2 Chapter 35

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My eyes slowly roll back into place, my mind clearing but my bodily shaking increasing. Almost immediately as Eddrick's voice fades out of my head, the dim lights turn off all together and there is a ghostly silence aside from the quick footsteps of the escaping supernatural creatures.

"Damn it," Jay curses under his breath, my eyes adjust to the darkness when Jay brings out his phone and turns on the light, putting it aside on a bench top. He eyes me worriedly before tugging Eliza in front of him violently to undo the handcuffs he had just put on her, "Help her, quickly!"

Eliza is just as shaken up as me as she runs to my side, putting her hand on my wrist she feels my incredibly high pulse rate.

"Jennifer?" she asks, gulping as her eyes dart around the extremely dark room and back to my constant shivering.

"G-Get me out of these restraints," I gasp out, fear flooding me. It was even hard to speak.

"What the hell is going on?" I hear Claudia's voice, a strong firm reminder I had friends here. Eddrick would be outnumbered at least.

As Eliza releases my restraints, Jay frees the last remaining prisoners. Rafael is last and he comes stumbling out towards Jaime.

"Oh god, Jaime, bebé wake up," Rafael growls huskily, tears stuck in his throat. I glance over at Jaime to see her completely still, her head laid back and eyes wide open – but only the whites showing.

"Eddrick's in her head," I blurt out, falling from my chair as Eliza finishes undoing me, "Everyone grab weapons, he's coming!"

"Who is Eddrick?" Jay asks, confused as he puts an arm around Claudia – who is staring at Jay like she is totally confused why Darrius is pretending to be someone else.

"I don't have time to explain – he wants to –" as I stand with Rafael looking over Jaime, my eyes dart to the front of the room where the door slides open abruptly and a dark figure comes waltzing in.

"Finally," Eddrick hisses, drawing everyone's attention to his small grey figure. All too evidently, we can see the long blade held in his hand. The same one he used to cut my hand, and Jaime's, to mix our blood with his in the two wooden bowls.

"Don't move," Jay yells at the small, wretched monster of a man, that he must think is unassumingly weak, "I will stun you if you come any closer," Jay pulls a taser from his belt and aims it at Eddrick.

"So confident for a mere human," Eddrick smiles, lifting a hand and forcing Jay to stun himself, turning on the electrical current I see a flash of blue and then he is down on the ground, convulsing. Claudia stumbles away from him, trying to appear meek and small as she takes small steps backwards.

Rafael ignores the whole situation as he quickly rips off Jaime's restraints as she groans awake, literally falling into his arms as he tries to lift her but she is too weak to stand. Instead he holds her close to his chest, kissing her forehead repeatedly, while glaring at Eddrick.

"I only want to protect my love, but the threats just keep coming," Rafael says with dry humour, darkness in his tone, his gold eyes hooded.

"There is strength in you," Eddrick stops by a bench, leaning his hip into it and playing with the knife in one hand.

"You are a good match for my successor, the Queen of Darkness," Eddrick grins but slowly loses the smile when his eyes dart to Eliza and then Claudia as he sniffs the air, "Another two meek humans," he adds in disgust, "Go build me a fire, now," he snaps at both of them.

Eliza and Claudia both try to resist as I see the stubborn, slow, robot like stride that is forced out of their bodies to grab things to build a fire.

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