Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

I find a loose and comfortable light blue dress in my room, adjoined to Darrius’. I smile to myself as I look through all the dresses and girl clothes he had stored in here – just for me. Then I immediately think of all the other girl slaves he would have kept in here before me and I shiver in disgust. Best not think about that. I was an immortal human princess, Darrius’ wife, I was a part of some bad ass – if slightly confusing and hard to interpret prophecy. I didn’t have much to worry about except staying safe, alive, and keeping my friends out of danger… I needed to work on that last one.

As I walk towards the door I gulp down a lump in my throat.

Poor Claudia, she nearly got her head ripped off because of me. Next full moon I’d be staying well away from werewolves. I would find a way to become more equal with Darrius through peaceful methods.

As I walk out the door I see Jaime holding the key in her hand and I roll my eyes.

“Did Darrius say I can leave the room if you come with me?” I ask, suspicious.

“Yep, he is just worried for your safety though. It’s been a bit tense lately with less humans around. Although the vampires seem to be reeling them in lately, they are so grumpy when they don’t drink regularly,” Jaime explains, popping the key back in her pocket.

“When is Darrius staging this execution?” I ask Jaime as she walks me towards Rory’s room at the underground palace.

“Probably in a couple of hours, they have to feed it into all the live network channels. That’s the plan anyway. Rory’s room is just around this corner…” Jaime points us in the right direction and I nod.

“Where is Rafael? Is he as controlling towards you as Darrius is to me?” Jaime tries to hide her grin.

“Rafael doesn’t control me, he can’t,” she gives a cheeky little giggle, “But he is very protective. I like it. It’s cute,” I try not to laugh at the gorgeous smile on her face. She was definitely smitten by her exotic prince vampire. I still didn’t know where they were from or why they were still here after the wedding was over.

Now we were at Rory’s room, so I’d have to ask her later. He opens it within the first two knocks. His light blue eyes beam with happiness and warmth when he sees us standing outside.

“Hello Princess, Jaime,” Rory opens the door wider for both of us.

“We’re here to talk to you about the prophecy,” Jaime says smiling.

“Darrius let you leave the room did he?” Rory nods to Jaime and directs the question to me.

“Ah, yeah,” I say a bit awkwardly. It was so embarrassing talking about it, being locked up wasn’t something to talk about like it was normal, “Something strange happened before I woke up. Me and Jaime had the same dream.”

“That’s really interesting, you don’t sound too happy about it?” Rory steps aside and I walk into his spacious room. It looked more modern than Darrius’ or Maximus’. It felt more casual with modern furniture – not such a royal vibe about it. The change in scenery was nice. There are two others in the room on the couches.

“It was a nightmare,” Jaime explains. Rory looks worried as he shuts the door and he asks us to have a seat.

“Tell me all about it, this is Anthony and Carla by the way,” he introduces us to the gorgeous vampire with tanned skin, bronze hair and green eyes. Anthony had a human girl beside him. Carla looked about fifteen and gave us a timid welcoming smile.

“Hi,” I say, and she lightens up a bit when I talk to her, “Are you new to the palace?” I ask.

“Yes, but I don’t want to be here –” Anthony sighs loudly and pats her on the head, which gets him a firey glare from Carla, but she doesn’t say anything.

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