Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I make it to my room by myself. I turn from the bed to the archway separating my room from Darrius… I quickly storm out of my own room to lock myself in the bathroom instead. Since there was no freaking door between my room and Darrius’, it meant if he came in at any moment, trying to follow me, I’d have no way to put a barrier up between us. 

Because that is what I was doing.

I had to stop him from taking over my life. I had to find a way to regain some control over what happened to me. I didn’t care that I was a part of some stupid-ass prophecy. I didn’t care that the prophecy said he was my soul-mate.

Once in the bathroom I slam the door shut and lock it, then I lean back against it, dropping to the floor and bringing my knees up to my chest. I had a few tears to let out but I don’t sob. Sobbing wouldn’t exactly help my situation right now. 

The King wanted me to marry Darrius. It seemed everyone did. 

It wasn’t that I didn’t love Darrius, I did. Strangely and frustratingly and infuriatingly, I did love him. Despite his arrogance, his dominant personality and tendency to be a prick, most of the time… I knew he had a loving, caring and generous side; even if it only appeared very rarely.

No, loving him wasn’t the problem.

The problem was that my choice to marry was taken out of my hands, just like my choices in regard to staying here at the vampire palace, to visit the werewolves, to be a pawn in a game where supernatural creatures versus mortals… all my choices had been taken away from me. And I wanted them back. 

I was a human being, an 18 year old girl who wanted to have a happy life. And if not an easy one, at least a free one. 

I needed my freedom back.

I nearly jump all the way out of my skin when someone knocks on the other side of my door. 

“Go away!” I yell.

“It’s just me,” Claudia says softly from the other side of the door, “Can I talk to you?” I don’t respond, I stay on the floor, still hugging my knees, “Jennifer… I know this must be so hard for you, with all the changes in your life. It must be overwhelming… but Darrius needs you. I had been expecting the King to say this sooner or later as it’s a necessary step forward and will protect the vampires of this palace.”

“How does it do that?” I snap, “How does marrying Darrius protect anyone?” I hear her sigh and slide down the door also, sitting on the other side.

“Because it shows everyone that you belong to us, to the vampires…” I clench my teeth and my hands.

“That sounds incredibly romantic,” I reply dryly.

“It’s just a political stunt in the supernatural world for protection. When the King also announces we have a cure to your blood, we won’t be threatened because people won’t just know we have your blood as a weapon. They’ll also know we are the only people on the planet who have the cure to a dangerous poison that is instantly fatal to supernatural creatures. We’ll have the upper hand,” I wipe the last of the tears from my eyes and huff out a breath.

“I feel like I’m a doll being thrown around in a game without any say about what happens to me,” I mutter.

“Jennifer you have friends here, you have me and Johnathan. Maximus has quickly taken a liking to you. Darrius will protect you with his life. You are safe with us.”

“Thank you Claudia,” I whisper, feeling a tad better. A moment of silence passes.

“Uh… Jennifer?” Claudia asks, “How long exactly do you plan on staying in there?” I pause, I thought she understood I just needed some space…

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