Part 2 Chapter 18

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Isobel's POV (From Abducted by a Hot Vampire With a Sense of Humour: Maximus, ch41)

I decide to ignore Maximus and his determination to turn me back into a vampire. I already had a solution forming in mind; which involved finding Luke... and a couple of other steps along the way.

For now I simply watch Maximus. I am highly entertained at the scene playing out before me.

Maximus is screwing up his face making very strange expressions as he tastes food again for the first time. He got soup and bread, something light to start off with. I go for the sandwiches while I see him slowly drink up his pumpkin soup.

"I thought I use to like pumpkin," he says, "I'm not sure if I do or not anymore."

"What is that supposed to mean? You either like it or you don't," I tease, sitting opposite him on the bed. I watch him, trying not to laugh while he now attempts a first bite of buttered bread after dipping it in the soup. He chews slowly and swallows – and starts coughing and choking.

I don't know how he managed to fail at swallowing bread but seeing him swallow his first solid piece of food was painful to watch. He quickly drinks more soup to help it down and I put a hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh at his discomfort.

He glares at me.

"I didn't realise you'd fail so quickly at being a human, Maximus," I explain with a smirk, chowing down on my sandwich and swallowing proudly in front of him, showing off.

"I think my throat tightened up over the centuries," he says, with a raised eyebrow, "Liquid blood was the only thing going down my throat for all that time, give me a break."

"You know, you ask me to be easy on you but you have no respect for me. You turned me against my will, kidnapped me, tried to enslave me," I accuse, narrowing my eyes at him, "I think you need to go to school again, where they teach us how to respect each other regardless of gender... did you even go to school –" I'm interrupted by a loud crackling coming from the corners of the room.

I see Maximus freeze, eyes worried.

"The emergency speaker system was just turned on, this never happens unless there is a dire emergency," he snaps, "Don't speak."

So much for trying to give him a talk on what respect meant in the twenty-first century.

"Ladies and gentlemanly vampires..." The King's voice booms out of the speakers, "Sorry to interrupt and use the emergency speaker system but it has come to my attention that all humans in this palace are spies! Every single one of them must be killed – as of this very moment. This is a direct order from your King – do as you are told, anyone who defies me will be decapitated on sight. Oh and... kill them slowly –" The King chuckles insanely afterwards.

I look to Maximus with a raised eyebrow.

He looks just as confused as me.

"Did he just say, kill all the humans?" I ask, rhetorically.

"I don't understand why..." Maximus trails off, he has dropped the spoon and bread back into the soup as he considers what this all means.

"Will people take him seriously?" I ask, "What about vampires who have relationships with humans?"

"The speaker system is only used when direct orders must be handed out immediately or an emergency needs to be brought to everyone's attention. I need to go see what the hell is happening," Maximus climbs off the bed, putting his soup on the bedside table.

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