Ch.6 Dinner with the Miyas

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~Y/n pov~

We arrived at the twins house and slipped our shoes off at the entrance.

"We can leave our bags in my room. c'mon N/n." Osamu wrapped his arm around my shoulder loosely and lead me up the stairs and to his room.

Surprisingly, Atsumu didn't say anything and simply followed us.

Osamu's room was pretty simple and was mostly grey.

A small thud sounded as we all dropped our bags next to his bed.

"I'll go tell our mum that you're here." Osamu walked off, leaving me and Atsumu alone.

Atsumu flopped down onto Osamu's bed, grabbing my arm and pulling me down with him.

"Want to play some games?" He mumbled, pressing his face into my neck.

"Yeah, what games you got?"

The blonde twin sighed dramatically before getting up and going over to the PS4. There was a stand behind it with lots of games.

"Mario karts?" He asked putting in the disk, not even bothering to wait for an answer.

"Yeah that's fine." I pulled myself up and sat on the sofa positioned in front of the tv.

Atsumu handed me a controller before sitting down beside me.

I leaned back into the sofa and prepared myself as the loading screen was displayed.

We started playing the first race, a few words were exchanged, but it was mostly quiet as we were concentrating on winning.

I didn't even notice Osamu had come back in, until someone sat down on the other side of me.

It was the last race and somehow I had beat Atsumu but only by a few points, he was really good.

Atsumu whined about his defeat before passing his controller to Osamu.

Osamu turned to look at me, "You may of beaten Atsumu but I'm better."

"Cocky much?" I quirked my eyebrow.

Though, if Osamu was better than Atsumu I would probably lose.

Atsumu grinned, pulling me into his lap, making me tense slightly.

After a few moments, I relaxed, leaning back onto his chest and readying my controller. His arms wrapped around my waist, making sure I wouldn't fall.

What Osamu had said was true, he was way better than Atsumu so I inevitably lost.

"I'm not that good I only best Atsumu by a bit." I sighed.

Osamu chuckled, ruffling my hair.

The grey haired twin sent a glare at his brother and then pulled me off his lap and back into the middle of them.

Atsumu pouted, snatching the controller from me, "You're on Samu."

"You're gonna lose Tsumu."

They played quite a few races and both of them won pretty often, it was almost tied but Osamu was just slightly better.


We were all sat down at a round dinner table, it was slightly cramped but it was fine.

I was sat between the twins but I'm pretty sure if I wasn't they'd argue. Their mum was opposite me.

She smiled, "It's nice to finally meet their soulmate, I was a bit worried about them sharing a soulmate but it seems like it's fine."

"I'm L/n Y/n. Nice to meet you Mrs. Miya." I told her politely.

While we ate, we talked about various topics and I'm glad there was no awkwardness. I was a bit worried about meeting their mum, I mean, who wouldn't be.

An evil glint appeared in her eyes, "Wanna see their baby picture?"

Before I could say anything, she had dragged me into the living room, pushed me into the sofa and slid a photo album into my lap.

I could tell they argued a lot from the photos. They were so cute as kids.

It seemed they like it prank each other too. One picture was them having a snowball fight, I'm surprised it wasn't blurry.

Their mother was good at taking photos.

Someone grabbed the book and closed it, putting it on the table.

"That's enough of that." Osamu stated.

Atsumu let out an exaggerated sigh, "I think Y/n needs to be home, right?"

He didn't let me speak, pulling me up and ushering me towards the door.

I deadpanned, "Atsumu, I need my bag."

He chuckled, "I knew that."

Atsumu stomped up the stairs, only to return a minute later with my bag.

I grabbed it and slung it over my shoulder, slipping on my shoes.

Atsumu slipped his shoes on too.

Just as we were about to leave, Osamu quickly slid his shoes on and followed after us, grabbing onto my hand.

"Tsumu, why did you try and leave without me?" Osamu sighed.

"Oh, did I? Didn't notice."

I whacked them both in the heads, "Stop it."

They glared slightly at each other before complying.

At the time, I didn't realise how most people struggled to stop the twins fighting.

"Our parents home?" Osamu asked.

"Nah, they're overseas." I sighed.

"Well then, we'll make sure to come over often. Don't want you get lonely." Atsumu beamed, patting my head.

They both grabbed my hands as I started leading them to my house.

We made small chatter on the way.

We finally arrived at my house and I turned to them smiling slightly.

"Thanks, this is me."

Osamu, who had been looking at my house, look towards me and nodded, "See you tomorrow morning."


Atsumu nodded, "Yup, we'll walk to school together."


They kept their word, from that day on, we walked to school together every morning. Though, I didn't really talk to them at school so I wouldn't gain the attention of fan girls.

Since the rooftop was always so quiet, we ate lunch there as nobody went there.


1011 words

A/n I've actually been wanting to write this for a while but I didn't really have any ideas but the ideas are slowly coming to me which is good. I always read these stories but at the end of it one of the twins normally gets their heart broken and I'm just like why do you do this to me every time? Dw no one will have their heart broke...hopefully

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