Ch.10 Amusement park

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~Y/n pov~

I hadn't seen Emiko for a while so we were meeting up at the amusement park.

Of course, Atsumu complained because he wanted to spend the day with me, so I just told him we could go on a date tomorrow since it would be Sunday.

I got a quick shower and got dressed into a comfy but casual outfit and then quickly neatened my hair.

Then, I grabbed essential things like my phone and purse before heading to the door and putting my shoes on.

I turned to look at Osamu, "Lock the door when you leave. I'll trust you with the spare key."

Osamu nodded, catching the key as I threw it at him.

"Don't do you trust me?" Atsumu pouted.

"Who would?" I joked making him frown.

I chuckled at his expression, "I need to go now, bye."

Before I left, I gave Osamu a quick hug and patted Atsumu's head.


"Emiko, how have things been?" I asked.

We were at the train station because we decided that we want to go to the amusement park.

"With Danny? Things have been amazing." She beamed, "No day is boring with him around."

Danny was her soulmate.

I smiled, "That's cute, you had your one year anniversary a few days ago, right?"

"Yeah. I gave him the book he's been wanting for quite some time and he got us promise rings." She held up her hand, "I definitely want to marry him."

"That's good because he's your soulmate." I turned my attention to the ring.

It was pretty simple, it was a silver ring and it was three small parts twisted together.

"Does he have the same ring as you? It's simple yet also really pretty."

She nodded, "Anyway, enough about me. What about you?"

"I've had tons of fun over the past couple of weeks. They actually fight quite a bit but it's nothing I can't handle and the fights normally aren't that serious. When I'm around them I get these butterflies and that's how I know, this is it. They're the ones." I smiled to myself.

Emiko smiled, "That's exactly how I feel with Danny. Even though it's been a year, the butterflies never go away."

The train pulled up to the station.

"Well, I guess that's us."

We both hopped up from the bench and got onto the train.

It wasn't too crowded, so we managed to get seats together.


At the amusement park, Emiko happily dragged me along, queuing up for any rides that seemed to be exciting.

Her childish excitement reminded me of Atsumu.

Emiko pointed to a ghost train, "Let's go on that one next."

While we queued up was talked about random things and caught up on each others day to day lives.

"Should we have a double date?" I asked her.

"We totally should at some point, but where should we go?"

"Maybe the movies, a movie I'm interested in is coming out soon."

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