Ch.8 Practice

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~Y/n pov~

I had started coming to the twins practice so they could walk me home afterwards and sometimes we'd hang out at each others houses.

Sometimes Kita or Suna would sit beside me on the bench for a little while and we'd talk.

Today however, the twins were fighting and apparently only few could stop them.

"Oh, shut yer trap Samu!"

"I'm telling the truth."

The argument was petty and not even really about anything. I think they were just starting a fight for the sake of it.

Most people just watched, not knowing what to do and Kita wasn't here to stop it.

Suna was, well, he was filming it but that's normal for him.

I sighed, getting up and slowly walking towards them. Their teammates backed away and left me to it.

Some told me it wasn't a good idea to try stop them.

I stop right behind them both, then whacked them on the head hard.

"Knock it off you two." I sighed.

"Whatever." Atsumu muttered.

Osamu didn't say anything and just walked over to the bench and took a drink from his water bottle.

I decided to talk to Osamu first, "What was all that about?"

He stared at me blankly for a few seconds before deciding to answer, "Just Tsumu being dramatic as usual."

I nodded, "You should both apologise."

Osamu didn't say anything and just stared at me.

"You shouldn't fight too often y'know."

Osamu nodded, "Yeah you're right."

He started towards Atsumu and I followed to make sure they didn't fight again.

"I'm sorry or whatever." Osamu muttered.

Atsumu sighed, "Yeah I overreacted."

The team was stunned, breaking up their fight was one thing, but actually getting them to apologise was a whole other thing.

Kita walked up to me silently, startling me.

"At least someone can put them in place." He commented, patting my shoulder.


It was the end of practice and me and the twins decided to get ice pops.

I bit into mine happily, it was slightly cold but my teeth weren't sensitive so it didn't bother me too much.

Osamu happily munched on his ice pop, his eating face was so cute and he looks so happy when he eats.

I couldn't not smile and feel my insides melt at his cute face.

Atsumu could be pretty cute when he ate sometimes too.

Today, he just bit his ice pop with an uninterested expression.

They weren't really talking but it was okay.

They thought often about little things but to me, it seemed like it was just how they got along and the fighting made them closer.

I believe they couldn't truly hate each other, no matter how unreasonable the other is being.

I slid my hands into theirs, intertwining our fingers together.

Warmth enveloped my hands, as they were covered by much larger ones.

Osamu squeezed my hand and stepped forwards, as if saying thanks.

Atsumu adjusted his hand slightly and also stepped closer, he probably only stepped closer because Osamu did.

It was also pretty cold so I appreciated being able to feel their body heat.

"Let's go to mine tonight and watch a movie." I suggested.

Osamu hummed in agreement and pulled out his phone so he could text their mother.


"Huh? Oh sorry I'm tired." As if to prove his point, he yawned midway through the sentence.

He slouched down and leant a bit of his weight on me.

I didn't mind too much.

I held a conversation with Osamu as Atsumu inputted his opinion every so often.

Normally, it was the other way around but Atsumu was pretty sleepy today.


"I'll make the popcorn." I announced making my way to the kitchen.

Atsumu plopped himself on the couch lazily and Osamu went to go get blanket and he set up the movie.

I placed the popcorn in the microwave and stood there listening to it pop.

When it finished popping, I grabbed a good sized bowl out of the cupboard and grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave, dumping it into the bowl.

I waltzed back into the living room to see a half asleep Atsumu slouched on the sofa and Osamu on the other side of the sofa with the remote in his hand.

Making my way over to the sofa, I placed the bowl of popcorn on the table before sitting between the twins.

It seemed Atsumu had been waiting for me to sit down because as soon as I did, he leaned into me, resting his head on my shoulder. (Oml head autocorrected to hard 🙈)

Osamu grabbed the blanket and placed it over both of us. Luckily, the blanket was big enough to cover all three of us.

I grabbed the end of the blanket nearest to me and then placed it over Atsumu as well.

Atsumu hummed in content, burying his head into my neck.

His warm breath hit my neck, making me shiver slightly.

The extra weight on me was pretty heavy, so I leant onto Osamu, he leant back into the sofa and wrapped his arm around me.

Osamu grabbed the remote and finally played the movie.

We watched it quietly, making comments on it every now and then.

It wasn't long before Atsumu had fallen asleep on me.

His sleeping face was really cute and he looked peaceful.

At some point, he has shifted so his head was resting on my lap, his body curled up so he looked kinda like a cat.

Because of the awkward position, he had his own blanket now.

Normally it was Osamu and sometimes me who fell asleep during movies.

Atsumu rarely fell asleep during movies.

I smiled down at his sleeping face, combing my fingers gently through his hair.

Osamu pouted from the lack of attention.

This made me laugh quietly as I leant further into him, placing a gentle kiss on his neck.

The credits rolled onto the screen as the movie ended.

I gently shook Atsumu, "C'mon sleepyhead, you can at least sleep upstairs."

He got up slowly and groggily made his way upstairs, me and Osamu followed.


1036 words

A/n why are both twins so cute when they eat?

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