Ch.12 Youth training camp

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~Y/n pov~

Atsumu had been invited to the volleyball youth training camp so he was leaving for the week.

I knew I'd miss him but I'd still have Osamu.

The blonde setter stood on the doorstep, "I'll miss you."

I pulled him into a tight hug, knowing I'd miss this.

Atsumu pulled away and then gently ruffled my hair.

"I'll miss you too, Atsu."

"Bye 'Samu." And with that, he left.

I stood at the door for a few moments longer, staring at the closed door.

An arm slid around my waist and then I was scooping into their arms, bridal style.

Osamu looked down at me, "He's only been gone a few minutes. We should enjoy a week without Atsumu whining."

I chuckled at that, "You're not wrong."


We sat on the sofa in his room and watched a movie.

I pulled a blanket over the two of us and leant back into Osamu's chest.

His arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. My body was tiny compared to his. The twins are so tall.

I'm average height so it could be worse, I could be smaller.

I snuggled into the blankets, trying not to cry as a sad scene came on.

Though, my attempts to not cry obviously failed as I felt something hot rolling down my cheeks.

The grey haired twin took notice, he didn't comment on it and just silently wiped my tears.

I leant into his touch as his hand lingered on my cheek for a few more moments.


I woke up, warm in Osamu's arms. I didn't want to get up, it was so comforting.

Now, most of the time I stayed over at the Miya twins or they stayed over at mine.

I also made sure to go out weekly with Emiko so we could catch up and I knew I shouldn't spend every second of every day with the twins, as much as I'd like to.

Osamu mumbled something under his breath, though I wasn't sure if he was awake or not.


"Yeah.." His voice was really deep as he had just woke up.

I felt butterflies erupting.

"Nothing, just wondering if you were awake."

Osamu tightened his grip on me and shuffled closer if possible, "I want to stay in bed a little longer and just cuddle."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." I giggled softly and leant into his warmth, sleep soon taking me.


I noticed bruises appearing on my arms and legs, there weren't lots but there were quite a few scattered around.

Osamu didn't have any injuries so it must be from Atsumu.

"You think Atsumu's working hard?" I asked him.

"Judging from all those bruises I'd hope so." Osamu muttered, glancing down at my bruised arms, "Do they hurt?"

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