(14) I Dare You to Kiss Me... On the Cheek of Course

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Happy Holidays everybody! (: Here's another chapter, and guys I rarely go back to edit chapters so bear with me! I love you all! Vote and comment please and thank you!


I am a total hot mess right now minus the hot. There isn't an ounce of makeup on my face, my hair is sticking in every direction, and my uniform isn't properly buttoned. My fingers just are too tired to do anything correctly this morning, darn you Rayner. I stepped out of my room much resembling The Bride of Frankenstein, and walking a lot like her too. Rayner snickered covering it up by taking a sip of his coffee. He better watch himself.

"What are you laughing at?" I grumbled plopping down and attempted to pull on my shoes. My fingers fumbled with the ugly uniform shoes that I kept dropping. He chuckled shaking his head crouching beside me when I gave up. I leaned back in the chair and allowed him to put my shoes on for me. "Stop laughing!" I argued letting out a small laugh myself because I was a pathetic mess. What did he expect though?

"Sorry." He smiled up at me. "You look like shit." He admitted laughing louder cringing away from me as I slapped him as hard as I could in the shoulder. "What?!" He grinned widely. "I-" He tried to stop smiling which only made him smile wider. I couldn't help grinning along with him. "Come here." I stood up unsteadily.

He placed my hand on his arm and unbuttoned my blazer and the bottom few buttons of my shirt because they were horribly wrong. His warm bare hands grazed my stomach making me shudder. Amusement twinkled in his eyes as he leaned in closer brushing the hair from my neck. His mouth was just above my ear. My breath hitched as he slid his fingers along the inside of the waist band of my skirt tucking my shirt in. "You're going to be late." He whispered pulling away much too quickly with a triumphant smile on his face. I nodded in a  daze grabbing my bag, did I just dream that?


I was barely able to stay conscious throughout my forty five minute classes. I wanted to die in every single one of them, but I knew if I fell asleep I would be punished. I will never party on a school night ever again. I had to go the entire day of school and an additional hour of detention in a dreamlike state. I wasn't even sure if I was actually here anymore, or if I was imagining things.

The seat beside me scraped across the floor making me cringe. Loud noises were making my sensitive ears pang. I just needed some rest so I could sleep off this hangover from hell.

"Rough night?" I sat up quickly when I knew who was beside me. Jackson was grinning knowingly at me looking just as bad I did. The whites of his eyes were blood shot. Bruises and small nicks scattered his face giving away the fact he'd been in a fight. Regardless of the fact I was slightly angry with him, I was relieved to see him alive.

"Are you alright?" I immediately asked, I had been worried about him all night. I was glad he was still in one piece, well for the most part. He was a little beaten up, but fine nonetheless. He smiled wincing when he reopened his split lip, sucking his lips into his mouth.

"Perfect." He lied clutching his sides in pain. I bet he had some serious bruising underneath his clothes. "Well I'm alive." He rephrased holding himself. I shook my head, this wasn't a laughing matter. He was seriously hurt, I could tell by the way he was clutching himself. I'd had broken ribs before. Mine were still healing even so I knew how much pain he was in.

"You should probably go to a doctor..." I suggested, but he just waved a hand in dismissal. I knew he wouldn't, but it didn't stop me from telling him what I thought. "I'm glad you're okay though." He nodded, he was probably pretty happy about that fact too.

"Same here. I was worried about you. I wasn't sure if you made it home alright... I never should have taken you there. It was reckless." He apologized, then groaned sitting up in his chair. I wanted to help him, but I didn't really know what I could do.

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