(4) Packages Give You the Flu

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The next three days I felt like hell even though I thought I was going to be able to push past the darkness. I hadn't left my room, and I hadn't eaten much of anything and it was starting to take a toll on me. I felt weak and light headed all the time. I'm sure I'd lost some weight when I didn't have much to lose. Rayner kept his promise and kept me company when he felt I needed him, but he was always there when I had my nightmares which were becoming a regular thing and a real inconvenience for the both of us.

I took in a shaky breath to calm myself down. Rayner had left to grab a few necessities and I had another fit while he was gone. A small knock on the front door startled me to a sitting position. I wiped my face and slowly made my way to the door. I looked through the peep hole and there was a man holding a package. Couldn't they have left it in the front office like a normal person? I opened the door not caring how terrible I definitely looked.

"Hello miss, I have a package for you." He smiled brightly and was actually very kind looking pretending not to notice the rats nest I called my hair, or the puffy redness around my eyes. "Do I need to sign for it?" He shook his head holding it in front of him. I had no idea why we were receiving a package, or who it would be from but I took it from him. I shut and locked the door and I set the package on the counter. I was curious as to what was inside, but I was too weak to stand. I squinted at the address seeing it was from the police station then I trudged back to my room to sulk into my pillow some more and rest my dizzy head.

"Tori?" Rayner called into the house once he returned. I didn't move from my position. I was starting to feel sick. Like actually sick, almost flu-like, and I hadn't been sick in years. "How are you?" He questioned entering my room looking me over. I shrugged taking a deep breath running a hand through my damp hair. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I feel ill." I admitted I wanted some medicine or something, but I didn't want to ask for it because I was too shy. He held his hand to my forehead and to my flushed cheeks, I hoped they weren't too sweaty. He frowned when he pulled his hand away. "I think you have a fever. Want me to call a doctor?" That was the last thing I wanted. Doctors were nothing, but a pain. Plus I couldn't take the judgement of a doctor right now. They would see my condition and probably ship me off to the loony bin right there.

"No." I hugged my pillow pouting like a four year old. I'd been sick before all I needed was some Tylenol and rest. He sighed and agreed reluctantly to my surprise. He was usually more stubborn but I was not complaining about not seeing a doctor. "If you get worse I will." Rayner explained putting his hand back on my forehead. As if he could figure out what was wrong with me just by staring at me and feeling my temperature. "You will let me know if you are feeling worse won't you?" I nodded rolling my eyes before remembering the package delivery.

"There's a package on the counter. It's from the police station, I wasn't feeling well enough to open it." I remembered figuring it was probably the type of thing he needed to know and I was dying to know what was inside. He left to retrieve it. He was gone for a few minutes before returning with the opened package.

"It's for you it's a few personal items that I suppose the force collected for you after the investigation. You really shouldn't answer the door for anyone when I am not here Tori. Even the postman." He scolded and handed the opened box to me. Inside was a photo album and a couple picture frames that had been hanging in our house. I cried silently seeing the pictures of my parents. It just wasn't fair that I had to lose them like this.

He's My Bodyguard (REWRITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें