(10) Not Even A Fight Stirs Curiousity

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I still felt the sting of Rayner's rejection in my chest. Why would I let myself be so vulnerable, he obviously would never think of me more than just a child he had to protect. Nothing worth this anxiety had even happened, but I couldn't hide the obvious feelings I was growing for him. It was just a stupid little crush, but it was something that I couldn't conceal anymore. He had grown on me and I was unable to overcome the way he affected me.

"Tori." Rayner's voice was filled with tension, which only made my heart hurt. I didn't look at him, I couldn't. "Please talk to me." I ignored him. There was nothing to say. "Fine." He shrugged sitting back in his seat. Fine? "If you don't want me to talk to you I won't." He stated looking away from me and switching the station on the television.

He was giving up? Did I really want him to leave me alone or did I like the attention? I wasn't about to admit to either so I let him do his own thing. Maybe he was testing me? Calling my bluff? I wasn't giving in that easily. I wanted him to cave first. Beg for my attention.

The entire day we spent alone in separate parts of the house. We'd made our own separate dinners and ate in our separate rooms. I hadn't seen him until around 9 when he peeked in my room. "You're going back to school tomorrow so get some rest." He stated and I knew I had no choice. That was the last time he spoke to me for the rest of the night. He didn't even come to my room when I woke up screaming which really surprised me considering his job was to make sure I was safe. It hurt my feelings more than anything though, especially since he'd promised to never let me go through this alone. Tears burned my eyes and I felt stupid for crying over him.

The next morning he scheduled for a cab to pick me up and didn't even say goodbye when he drove to the station for a meeting. He was serious about leaving me alone. I didn't like the distance, I missed his charm, his smile, even his anger. Anything was better than the cold shoulder he was giving me.

School wasn't any better than the treatment I was getting at home, people were so cruel to me all day and I couldn't understand why. They glared and whispered behind my back about things I couldn't make out. They shoved me on "accident," purposely pegged me in P.E., and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I was corned in the hall way by a group of girls. I pretended they weren't there and continued sorting through my locker for my belongings.

"Is it true your parents are dead?" Was this bitch serious? I swung around and three girls surrounded my locker trapping me. Where did she hear that? What in the actual hell? No one had ever been that blunt to me. I wasn't accustomed to blatant rude behavior.

"People have been talking about it all day. Is it true you've been lying to everyone? You were on the news. Man if I was in your situation I'd probably just die too." She and her friends all laughed. I was seconds away from laying her out, her words had dug a hole deep inside of me. Had the press aired my name? There was no way this could have followed me all the way here.

"Must suck knowing your parents are never coming back and you have no one in the world except your hot brother." Her friends giggled along encouraging her. "Sad really." I felt my eyes growing wet, I cried when I was mad and she was just being cruel now. Her words hurt, but they made me more angry than anything. "Awe, she's gonna cry." She laughed loudly with her posse.

I couldn't control my anger anymore, I snapped. I swung my fist and it landed right on the corner of her eye hopefully breaking her perfect little cheek bone. She made a loud gasping sound and clutched her face as she crumpled to the floor. Her friends were in shock, hell so was I. I'd never hit someone before in my life, I surprised myself so much my mouth was left agape staring down at her in awe. I almost apologized.

"That's it." She stood up dramatically shoving her obnoxious hoop earrings into one of her friends' hand and hoisted her purse into the arms of the other. Then she grabbed a handful of my hair and swung me around violently. I yelped holding a hand to my tender head.

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