(24) Hope

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I finally am finished with AP Senior English WOOT! I thought the stress would never end. I will try to update as frequently as I can. Thank you for being patient with me!

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"Where are you going?" Rayner scratched his bare chest and leaned against the bathroom door frame. After drooling I composed myself enough to reply.

"Having dinner with Jackson." He nodded looking at the tile floor. "Gotta talk to him." I worked on the next section of my hair, I was curling it because it took a long time, and I didn't want to see Jackson anytime soon. I was nervous about what I was about to do.

"What about?" He asked curiously, but his voice was laced with something else. Panic, urgency almost.

"I think..." I paused suddenly ashamed. "I think I'm going to break it off." I told him honestly.

"Why?! I thought it was going great you can't do that." I thought he'd be happy to hear the news. I mean he was right Jackson was good, maybe not in most ways, but he was good to me. I just shrugged.

"I just don't see it working out. I'd have to do it anyway, what happens when I have to move back to Los Angeles? He wouldn't just come with me. We've only been dating for like a month now, so it seems ideal to end it before it turns into something more. I thought you'd be thrilled, you haven't been happy about our relationship since the getgo." I furrowed my brows at him in confusion. Why was he freaking out.

"I just don't think you are thinking rationally, maybe you should reconsider Tori." His entire frame stiffened as he glared at the ground clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Excuse me?" He was seriously way too hard to read.

"Seriously Tori, you need to reconsider." His eyes were emotional, and his muscles were flexing. He pushed away from the door and left me breathless. Why was he so disfunctional? I can never guess what he is thinking. Now I was even more nervous about this evening. Rayner was hidden away when I left so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye before I made my way to Jackson's car.

"Hey babe." He went to kiss me once I sat in the car, but I turned my head so he planted his lips on my cheek. He seemed a little taken back, but overall not upset by it. "McAllister's?" I nodded mindlessly and we sat in silence the entire way. I was itching for him to turn on the radio, but he kept his hands on the steering wheel facing ahead.

The second we ordered and took our seats he knew what was up. "You're breaking up with me?" I looked up horrified that he had guessed why I'd brought him here. "Huh." He laughed slightly. "Didn't see that coming... Was it because I didn't answer earlier?" I shook my head. "Does your brother have something to do with this?" I suddenly felt the urge to defend Rayner.

"This has nothing to do with him! I just don't feel like it's going to work out okay? Plus after we graduate I will probably be moving back to Los Angeles, I don't want to hurt any worse than this is going to. I just don't need another reason to ache Jackson. It's been great really, we can still hang out and stuff if you still want to, but I just don't know if I can deal with us being boyfriend and girlfriend." He nodded keeping his eyes on his hands which were folded on top of the table.

"Alright... So that's it then?" I nodded swallowing, that had gone easier than I thought. "If you change your mind let me know." He grumbled scooting his chair out dramatically and swiped his jacket from it then slammed it back into the table. Then he stomped out of the restaurant leaving me stranded and with the bill.

"That went well." I muttered, pulling at my hair. I didn't see a point in not eating when I was stuck with the check anyway, so I ate alone and put Jackson's in a to-go-box for Rayner then caught a taxi home. "Rayner I brought you food!" I called from the kitchen. "Rayner?" I knocked lightly on his cracked door, he was curled up on his bed shirtless, of course and not using any of his four blankets. I chuckled at his stance. His arm was hanging over the side of the bed and his mouth was parted slightly. He was cute asleep, I wanted to enter the room but I didn't want to get caught staring so I just put his food in the kitchen and changed into my pajamas. I put in my headphones and layed back on my bed closing my eyes. I wish my life weren't so complicated.

"Tori! Tori!" I thrashed in the arms of the culprit and clawed at his face. "It's me! It's Rayner, Tori!" I opened my eyes and Rayner shoved my face into his chest. "Shit Tori. I thought we had this under control." I waited until I caught my breath before I spoke.

"I forgot to take my sleeping pills." I'd stopped the anxiety medicine, but stayed with the sleeping medicine so I wouldn't disturb Rayner at night. He brushed my hair away from my face. "I'm so sorry." I sniffled trying to erase the terrible dreams I'd just endured.

"Tori are you alright?" I nodded looking into his eyes almost gasping at what I'd seen. "What?" My lip wobbled more. He had three scratches across his cheek and I watched as blood oozed from them.

"Your cheek is bleeding." I felt awful now. "I am sorry Rayner, I didn't mean to." He rubbed the blood from his cheek against his shoulder staining his skin.

"I'm fine Tori. It's just a scratch." I nodded still feeling bad about my episode. "Really don't worry about it. I'm built to be beat up." He joked lightening the mood. "What kind of body guard would I be if I couldn't take a few hits eh?" I breathed appreciating how he made me feel better.

"What time is it?" He glanced at my phone. It was nearly 5am.

"Perfect time to watch the sunrise before school." I raised my eyebrow at him. I wanted to crawl back under the blankets, but knowing me it would probably lead to another nightmare. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and gathered my blankets then layed them out on the table on the balcony.

"Rayner what the hell are you doing?" He scooted the table as close to the edge of the balcony as he could and hopped up on the table. "Rayner!" I laughed.

"Come on or you'll miss it." He smirked patting beside him. I layed on my stomach beside him propping my head up on my elbows like he had. The sky was dusty looking and we had a perfect view of the city around us and the sun was barely peeking over the horizon.

"Why are we doing this?" I laughed, we probably looked ridiculous laying across a table watching the sunrise.

"Letting go, this is what I call letting go Tori. You don't need drugs or alcohol to have a good time, or to forget. Just look out there at the city, if that doesn't make you feel better than I don't know what will." I peered at him through my lashes.

"You make me feel better Rayner." I smiled honestly at him. He kept his gaze to the front, afraid of what might happen if he looked down at me most likely. His mouth turned upward slightly before he finally gave in and looked down at me.

"I hope so, I don't like seeing a broken girl behind those beautiful eyes." I couldn't help but blush at his words. He wrapped his arm around me and tucked me into his side and looked ahead again. We watched as the sun greeted the city with its rays making us both squint. Rayner's warmth had my heart pounding in my ears and I never wanted this to end, but all too quickly it had. "We should probably get up, you have school." And just like that we were back to distance. I wanted him to want me enough to break the boundaries, but that might never happen. I could always hope though...

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