(16) I Ain't No Beginner!

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I couldn't contain the giggles from bursting out of my mouth. Jackson was actually sitting in the cafeteria with my "friends." Turns out he is really quite funny since my previous encounters with Rayner I was trying to get to know Jackson better.

Everyone seemed to like him, except Damien who kept giving me this look like I had betrayed him. I honestly didn't think he would want to hang out again after that night, and he was sort of a snooze anyway. I tried not to let him depress me and focus on myself for a change.

Jackson's hand rested suddenly on my knee. It startled me and I wasn't sure if I should push it away for the sake of Rayner and I, or ignore it. I wanted to be friends with Jackson, but he kept hinting like he wanted more than that. I knew he liked me, but I wasn't fully over Rayner.

Rayner and I hadn't kissed since we'd played truth or dare on the roof. We hadn't done much of anything lately except fight. He was really confusing me and I hated the mixed signals he was giving me.

Having a little fun in the mean time while he made up his mind wouldn't hurt. Besides what if I pushed Jackson away and Rayner decided he didn't want me? I know it's selfish and possibly a bit slutty, but I didn't want to ruin what I had with Jackson for no reason. Especially since he really is a great guy.

So I did the "rational" thing and placed my hand right on top of his. He smiled a crooked grin at me making my stomach flutter. He seemed happy that I had finally reacted to his constant small touches. He was always trying to find a way to lean against me, or "wipe something off my cheek".

We went our separate ways when the bell rang, but not after he pressed me against a locker taking me fully by surprise. He had never been this forward, but I wasn't complaining. His bravery made him more attractive, and I liked the attention he gave me.

"See you in detention." He winked running his thumb across my bottom lip. My heart hammered in my chest. I felt slightly guilty, but when he did that I lost my train of thought. His swoopy hair was going to give me a heart attack.

By the time detention rolled around my stomach was in knots. I wasn't sure why I was feeling so sick. Maybe it was because I knew eventually I would have to hurt someone. Jackson was great, but Rayner knew things Jackson could never know. Rayner was there for me, but he couldn't give me what Jackson could. A relationship and I didn't know which was more important. A boyfriend, or someone I could confide in.

"You okay?" Jackson sat in his usual seat beside me. My stomach dipped when he addressed me. I liked that he could pick up on my emotions so easily, but I also wished I weren't so easy to read.

"Yea." I responded and tried to believe myself. I wanted to be happy, and I didn't want to bring Jackson down with my nonsense.

"Good, want to do something tonight?" I shrugged thinking about how Rayner would react if I told him I was going out with another boy.

"Like what?" I asked although I knew regardless of what we did Rayner definitely wouldn't allow it. Mostly because Jackson was my detention buddy. He had earned a permanent seat after a little water fountain prank at the beginning of the year. He says it was epic, but I wasn't really there to vouch for him.

"I was thinking about going to this party." He explained. I raised my eyebrow at him, the last time we did that it ended very badly. He chuckled nodding catching my drift.

"Alright, alright. How about we just grab some food or something?" He tried again. I nodded in agreement, that sounded like a much better idea considering I was still paying for what happened last time we went out together.

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