(11) Treating Yourself Can Make Others Jealous

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A/N: I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and votes for this story! It really makes me happy. (: I love you all! Anyway here's the stoory!


The mangled bodies of my parents were sprawled across the floor. Blood coated the walls and my clothing entirely. Tears wet my cheeks as I shook uncontrollably from the sight. A cool breath down my neck made my veins run cold. I turned slowly shrieking loudly as I came in contact with those venomous eyes.

I shot upright crying out like I usually did this time of night. My face was wet and I took in my surroundings slowly realizing it was all just a dream. A terrifying dream. I pushed the hair that stuck to my face from a slick coat of sweat and took a few shakey breaths trying to calm down before I had a heart attack. Something was different this time, I couldn't calm my breathing and my chest felt heavy. This panicked me even more and I felt my throat closing in on itself. I was having a panic attack, I'd had enough of them in the past to recognize the feeling. It'd been awhile and I had not missed the feeling.

I put my face between my knees and tried to calm down, but it was difficult to do when I could barely breath. Strange wheezing noises were escaping my mouth and my voice finally broke through. I sobbed loudly my voice cracking because I was struggling to breath again.

"Why?" I whispered to myself pathetically. I looked up when I saw a light turn on in the hall. There were footsteps on the other side of my door, but they stopped. I could see the shadow of Rayner under my door and I wanted him to comfort me and tell me I wasn't alone, but I also wanted to be left alone because I already felt clausterphobic enough in this room. He never came though, which hurt almost worse than the ache in my chest from the dream and panic attack that I was slowly recovering from.


The next morning I woke up with a throbbing head so I knocked back a couple Advil to dull the pain. School was the last place I wanted to go so I decided I was skipping regardless of my stupid detentions or Rayner's opinion. I crawled back into bed and tossed the covers over my head closing my eyes. A knock on my door startled me awake from my drowsy state. My stomach got a fuzzy and nervous feeling.

"School." Rayner mumbled lazily in the doorway scratching his head no doubt. I sat up and looked at him shaking my head, there was no way I was getting up today and he couldn't make me. I laid back down burying myself deeper in the blankets hoping he'd let me just stay home.

"Whatever." He mumbled shutting the door behind him. I could hear him fumbling around in the kitchen for awhile before he left the apartment. Where he went I was unsure, but I guess it must have been important because he rarely left me home alone. I wasn't going to complain though because I didn't want to deal with his sour attitude.

He couldn't stay mad at me for much longer could he? I didn't even know why we were angry anymore which frustrated me. All I knew was I didn't want to argue anymore and I wanted to be happy again. I moped around for a while then decided I'd go get some coffee and shop at the mall. I needed a fix. I needed something new to hang in my closet. Lounging around was getting me nowhere and I hadn't been out since the movie which was a disaster.

I got ready dressing up a little to pretend like things were better than they were and called a cab to take me to the mall. I went into the Starbucks first needing some caffeine for the headache that still throbbed against my temple despite the Advil I'd taken.

"What can I do ya for?" A young man behind the counter smirked at me. I wasn't interested, but I smiled a friendly smile back at him.

"I will have a salted caramel mocha." I replied digging into my wallet for my debit card. He winked making me blush and swiped the card my parents had given me before their death. All their money was left to me and it was a huge responsibility that I couldn't believe they trusted me with.

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