(34) Make It Go Away

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5 weeks Later

"Where do you want this?" The delivery man questioned and I looked around for the perfect place for my new dresser. I had decided not to keep anything from my old house, because it was just too painful. I let my grandma take the things she wanted, and kept my fathers pocket watch and a necklace from my mother. Those were the only things I'd wanted.

"Just there is fine." I pointed looking around my new apartment. It was coming along quite nicely. Everything legally was taken care of in court. Jackson was still missing, and that was the hardest out of all of this. Leaving to come back to L.A. was not as great as I thought it would be. Sure I was constantly afraid and didn't have answers, but I had Rayner and my friends at school and I could pretend nothing had happened. Here, everyone knew, the papparazzi were constantly following me everywhere, and I had no idea how I was going to keep going on my own. At least I had college to look forward to in the fall.

Christmas hadn't felt like Christmas. It consisted of my grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and me all sitting around awkwardly. Nothing was the same and I secretly think they blame me for whatever reason.

Seeing how Christmas had been a disaster I decided getting my own place was my best option. I didn't want to buy a big house all to myself so I stuck with another apartment. It did get lonely though and sometimes I wished Rayner were still around. He visited my first night here about a week and a half ago, but that was the last time I'd heard from him which was really depressing.

My whole life was depressing. I really was alone now. I waved the movers off and kicked my feet up on my coffee table. Something my mother would have had a fit over, but this was my place and my rules.

A small knock on the door startled me. It was so quiet I'd almost convinced myself it hadn't happened when there was another. Cautiously I stood and looked through the peephole. I was no longer in danger, but that didn't mean I wasn't scared sometimes. My stomach fluttered with excitement once I saw who it was.

"Rayner!" I squealed swinging open the door and embracing him. "What are you doing here?" I breathed in his scent that I'd missed so much and clutched the cold fabric of his coat. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I pulled him inside surprising him by my forwardness. He smiled a full toothed grin.

"I wanted to surprise you." He smiled again cupping my cheek. "You look so much better." Most of my injuries had healed. My face had scarred this time, but I kind of liked it to be honest. It may sound crazy, but it reminded me that everything was truly over.

"Thank you." I smiled looking up at him. He looked different somehow. "You cut your hair." He nodded running a hand through his new do. "I like it." I complimented. He was also sporting a new beard that he probably had grown overnight. I scratched his chin laughing. "Did you glue the bits onto your face?" He chuckled.

"I've missed you Tori." It had only been a week, but a week seemed like forever when we use to live together. I nodded my head in agreement and embraced him again. He hugged me back tightly. "Oh! Before I forget I bought you a little Christmas present." He smirked.

"Rayner!" I scolded hitting him in the arm. "I didn't get you anything though." I pouted as he ran out the door confusing the hell out of me. "It did involve me doing some research on your apartments, and also paying a small fee." This had me even more confused but I followed him around the corner. "Tori, meet puppy." My eyes widened when I saw the small black and brown dog before me. I crouched immediately taking it into my arms.

"Aww!" I cooed running inside with him because it was really cold outside. This apartment building was outdoors unlike our old place. Rayner followed shutting the door behind me. "Really I can keep him?" Rayner nodded petting the small puppy.

"He's a German Shepherd. One of the police dogs up at the station had puppies. Thought you could use the company, and I'd feel better about you being here by yourself with a dog that can protect you." I smiled happily hugging him close to my chest.

"Thank you so much!" I set down the pup and hugged Rayner tightly. He chuckled and pulled back a bit to kiss me. Oh how I had missed those lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers through his thick hair. It was shorter, but still soft and full. Our makeout session was getting heavy and I didn't mind one bit.

We ran into the wall behind us nearly crushing Little Bit in the process. Rayner lifted me wrapping my legs around his waist and I could feel him against me in a way that had me wanting more. Much more. He was so intoxicating I would have allowed him to take me right there in the middle of my living room, but he pulled back before I could manage to rip his clothes away.

"Sorry." He cleared his throat setting me down and backing away. I frowned walking back to him and pushed him down on the couch. I crawled on top of his lap sliding off his coat revealing his toned arms that seemed to have gotten bigger. I kissed him deeply and his hands traveled back to my torso running over me roughly, but he was still holding back.

I knew that in order to get what I wanted I'd have to do it. Rayner was too afraid of how emotionally stable I was, and right now I was pretty good. I didn't mind his rough demenor I wanted to be tossed around. I wanted him to claim me and take all of me. I was all but throwing myself at him.

"Rayner..." I pulled away looking somewhere deep into his eyes. He immediately softened his touch grazing my arm carefully as if I'd break. "I am okay." I assured him. "I want this. I want you." He nodded. "I want you to make everything go away. I don't want to hurt or be afraid. I want you to remind me what it feels like to be happy. Show me what being loved should be like." He kissed my cheek.

"Okay Tori." His voice was thick and husky. "I'm gonna make it go away." He agreed brushing my hair behind my ear. Then he pulled my face to his and kissed me so passionately I didn't think it was possible to feel that much. He pulled away breathing in my ear. "Where's the bedroom." I pointed and he had me up in his arms instantly and took quick strides there. My heart was racing the entire time, but I trusted him fully and allowed him to make me his.


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