(36) Girlfriend, Trust, and a Happy Ending.

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OMG! I am so excited about the sequel... ;) It's going to be amazing you won't be disappointed I swear! Once I finish this story and edit it and make it perfectly the way I want it I will release the title, description and first chapter if you're lucky. ;) Thank you so much for those who stuck through this process with me it has been a blast and this story blew up way BIGGER than I ever thought it would. :') Again I couldn't do anything without you I appreciate every single vote, comment, follow, and read. THANKS A MILLION!



Three effing seventeen in the morning. What a peculiar and annoyingly inconvenient time to make a phone call. I uncurled Rayner's arm from around my waist and stumbled across my living room floor nearly tripping over a sleepy puppy to get to my cell phone that lit up the dark room just enough for me to make my way.

I squinted in the bright light trying to focus on the name, but I just couldn't grasp what it read. I rubbed my eyes, but it was just a bunch of numbers that I didn't recognize. I picked up the call immediately, running over to the sliding glass doors so I could step out onto the balcony that way I didn't disturb Rayner.

"Hello?!" I practically shouted still upset that I had been woken up at three in the morning, but I always answered my cell phone just in case. I never wanted to miss a phone call that might be potentially important. Even though my parents murder case had been solved there were still the missing puzzle pieces.

"It's Jackson." My heart nearly stopped dead still. Tears welled in my eyes, and I couldn't breath correctly. I started firing off questions at him, most of which were probably incoherrent because I was talking a mile a minute. I just wanted him to tell me what was going on.

He didn't speak at first, I just heard his slight breathing over the phone which had me thinking he hadn't even mean't to call me in the first place. Maybe it was an accident? Had he mean't to call someone else? Either way it was unerving knowing he was on the other line. I was afraid that he'd hang up, but he spoke again.

"Tori." His voice was a soft grunt, that made me think he didn't want to be heard by someone. Was he still in trouble? He breathed heavily on the other line, and my stomach sank thinking about the shape he was in. It hurt my heart thinking about him still in pain while I was safe and back home completely healed other than the small pains in my sides.

"Jackson." A single tear escaped my eye. "Where are you? Are you alright? Where did you go Jack?" I questioned in a whispery cry. He was silent again which had me worried he'd hung up, but my phone was still tracking the minutes we spent on the phone together even in silence. "Jackson?" I urged hoping it'd push him to say something more to me. I wanted him to give me the answers I desired so I could rest and stop thinking about him so frequently.

"I have to go. I'm fine, don't worry about me. Please don't tell anyone, and don't look for me." He said finally in a much stronger voice, and I pleaded for him not to hang up but it was too late. He was gone and no matter how many times I called him back it always went straight to voicemail.

I breathed in the cool night air trying to calm down, but I couldn't. Not when he could be in more trouble than I'd anticipated. Tears were still streaming my cheeks and my face was becoming irritated from wiping it so many times.

"Tori?" Rayner grumbled behind me making me jump with fright.

"Jesus." I held onto my heart as if it would make it quit beating so fast. Rayner stepped out onto the balcony wrapping his warm arms around me.

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