(21) Bimbo

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I've been through a lot so being placed in a spinning machine was nothing close to terrifying, but it was uncomfortable. I was currently being analyzed for my night terrors, and I hoped they wouldn't find something that was actually wrong with me. Like cancer for instance, a brain tumor added to my life was not something I think I could deal with.

"Everything looks normal." The doctor spoke finally making me relieved. "But that isn't going to help those dreams of yours. Tell me Tori, have you been through a tramatic experience?" I nodded. "This is most likely post-tramatic stress. I will prescribe you some anxiety medicine, and possibly some sleeping pills. You look beat, I bet you could use some sleep eh?"


"Will you please eat something?" Rayner pushed my plate back in front of me. I just was not feeling great. It had been two weeks since I'd started my medication and I already hated the way it made me feel. I was sluggish and sickly. It was suppose to relax me, but I felt worse than ever. Sure I slept dreamlessly now, but it wasn't a restful sleep. I couldn't concentrate on school, my relationship with Jackson was a bit rocky because I'd been irritable, but I couldn't help it really. It was like my mind shut off, but my body kept going. "Tori are you listening?" I snapped up from the food I had been pushing around.

"What?" Rayner looked genuinely worried about me.

"Tori... what is it?" I sighed.

"I'm not sure. I think this medicine is making me all weird. I don't like it. I feel too mellow if you know what I mean." He nodded listening to me contently probably because I haven't mumbled but two words since I got on the medication.

"Maybe you should stop taking them?" I shrugged and pushed my food around again. "Now will you please eat? You look a little thin." I chuckled. Thin?

"What are you my grandma?" He smiled every inch of worry gone. "You know you shouldn't worry so much, you're going to get wrinkles and then you'll really look like my grandma." He rolled his eyes and cleaned up the kitchen.

"What are you doing tonight? Is uhm... Jackson coming over?" Jackson was still a tough subject, but I think Rayner was warming up to the idea of me having a boyfriend.

"I dunno, maybe." He nodded.

"Well we could rent some movies?" He wanted to spend time with us? I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at him. I nodded reguardless.

"Okay." I agreed. "What may I ask has you wanting to spend time with us?" He shrugged and washed his dish in silence. Something wasn't right. "Tell me Rayner." He turned around and his eyes were sad. He sighed deeply and I knew whatever he was going to say was not good. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out something that made me sick to my stomach. I'm sure my eyes got wide as saucers.

"I... uhm... found it on the floor in your room. I'm sorry, I was just uhm, doing some laundry and found it under a towel." Curse Jackson for even bringing that nasty little contraceptive into my room. How could I explain the condom without him getting angry? "I just care about you Tori and I don't think you should give into guys like him. He's wreckless, and I don't want you to end up preg-" I stopped him right there.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I shook my head. "First of all," I grabbed the little package from his hands and pushed it right up to his face, he flinched away. "it isn't even open. And second, you have to have sex to get pregnant." He held his hands over his ears. I ripped them away and placed them at his sides. "I'm a virgin." I threw him a bone. His eyes sparkled a little and a grin slowly spread across his face. Then he started laughing hysterically. I frowned. "What?" He shook his head and doubled over.

He's My Bodyguard (REWRITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora