(12) Partying has its Consequences

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Is it bad I get a happy heart attack everytime someone comments or votes for this story? XD Thank you so much guys you keep me going! Enjoy!


"Tori!" Rayner pounded on the door for the millionth time. "You've been in there all weekend! Please come out! Say something! Anything, just let me know you are okay!" I rather enjoyed making him suffer. I hadn't spoken a word to him instead returning his every word with silence. It was driving him insane it was great! I smiled to myself mischeviously

"Don't make me beat down the door. I will if I have to!" I still didn't speak to him. "You have five seconds to reply to me then I am coming in!" I doubted he'd actually do it, we didn't own this place and we'd have to pay for the damages. He was just calling my bluff. "Five." I raised my brow, yea right like I was falling for that. "Four!" He continued, but I didn't move from off the bed.

"Three! Two! One!" Then he actually threw his full weight on my wooden door. My eyes widened, what the hell! Once, twice, three times, he really was going to break it down. I jumped up when I heard it crack, I needed my door!

"Stop it!" I shouted flinging the door open. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were red and dull. He looked like hell which only made me feel slightly bad. He took me by surprise and brought me into a hug while I stood there like an idiot for a few seconds before hugging him back.

"Tori. I am so sorry." He whispered into my shoulder. I instantly forgave him, but I didn't have to let him know that. I was going to milk it for a few days. He would pay for making me feel this way. He'd gone way too far talking about my parents like that.

"You really hurt me." I admitted which made him squeeze me tighter I almost coudn't breathe. I hoped these past few days had him thinking about his actions.

"I know, I was a complete douche. I just got so worried when I came home and you weren't here. I don't want anyone to hurt you again. The first day I met you was awful, I could hardly stand to look at you. You were so empty, and broken. You were finally starting to get a little better, and I had to screw it up again. I don't want to fight anymore. Please let's stop this." I nodded pulling away from him so that I could see his unshaved face. That sounded like a good idea to me.

"Okay."  I agreed hugging him again. He smiled when we pulled away and smoothed some of my hair out of my face.

"I'll take you out, you must be starving." I was, the minimal late night snacking I did while Rayner slept was not enough to count as a meal. I nodded eagerly. "Get ready, we will go anywhere you want." Anywhere I wanted? Oh he was gonna pay big time. We were going to a Hibachi grill, I wanted some yummy Japanese food.

Once I was stuffed with chicken and rice I was much happier. I am glad that those places are always so loud, I didn't want to talk with him. It was still tense between us, but we would be okay.

"Did you enjoy your food?" He inquired, I nodded and kept in sync with his footsteps. I had to walk a little faster to keep up with his long strides "Good." He opened my car door once we'd reached it and we started home. Something was off, and the awkward silence in the car was getting really uncomfortable.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and he looked over at me clearing his throat. He nodded slowly turning onto our road.

"Uhm, yea... Just tired." I felt sort of bad he hadn't been sleeping because of me, but not that bad because it had been his fault in the first place. His big mouth did this to him and he deserved it.

"Get some rest when we get home." I encouraged patting his shoulder as we pulled into the apartments. He smiled nodding to me. The second we were in the apartment he went straight to his room after mumbling goodnight. I chuckled watching him struggle with his door knob.

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