(22) Sometimes Our Drunk Brains and Sober Brains Agree

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A knock on the door startled me out of my revere. "Just a second." I wiped the smeared make up off my face and fluffed my hair and opened the door. A drunken girl stumbled in and nearly fell on top of me.

"Sorry" She giggled, handing me her drink and pushed past me. I closed the door behind me downing the remains of her drink which was a pretty gross thing to do, but why waste good alcohol? I went off to locate Jackson. "There you are!" He exclaimed once I'd found him. "We need to leave, my friends are here." He gave me a wide glance and we shuffled our way to the front door.

"Shit Rayner." I remembered and then I felt that burning feeling crawl back up my throat. Jackson sighed. "You go ahead to the car, I don't want you to fight again." I kissed him quickly and pushed him in the direction of the exit. I took a deep breath and went back to the last place I'd seen Rayner. I was starting to feel a bit woozy. I shrugged it off and blamed it on the alcohol. I giggled at my song reference, and turned the corner of the hall I'd seen him in last. He wasn't there, I wonder if he's in a room... I shuddered thinking about it.

"Tori." I swung around and there he was in all his glory. I had to brace my head for a second because I felt the effects of whatever was in that chicks drink.

"There you are." I slurred poking him in the chest. "We gotta gedouda heer." I shook my head. What was going on?

"Are you alright?" Rayner got closer.

"Don't do that, not after you were with that blonde bimbo." I mean't to push him, but I just moved myself backwards. Rayner grabbed my arms to steady me. "You have muscles." I poked his arm through his sleeve. He chuckled and placed a hand to my head.

"You feeling okay?" I put my hands on my hips.

"I am greeat." I smiled widely looking into his brown eyes. "Your eyes are pretty." He shook his head grinning at me.

"Alright let's get out of here." He pulled me along and I struggled to keep up with him.

"Okay Mister Oscar Pistorius you need to slow down." Rayner looked at me like I was an undiscovered insect. "He's an olympic runner." I explained.

"The one with no legs? I'm pretty sure he killed someone too." He laughed at my horrified face. "Come on you're drunk." He dragged me to the door.

"That's a pretty decoration." I admired the antique looking vase on a table near the door. I bumped the table with my hips and the priceless ornament shattered on the ground.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Rayner laughed after unsuccessfully trying to save the vase from falling on the tile floor. He yanked my arm and booked it to the car. I tripped half way to the car and knew I wasn't going to be able to get back up. I couldn't feel my legs. Rayner shook his head at me. "Up you go." He placed his hands under me and hoisted me up in his arms carrying me to the car.

"You do have muscles!" I exclaimed pinching his cheek. He grinned and I played with his shirt collar. "Do you do this often?" He ignored me and the next thing I knew I was in the back of Jackson's car.

"What happened to her?" He asked glancing over his shoulder at me. Rayner slid in beside me and shrugged.

"Found her this way." Jackson frowned.

"I'll have you know I found you." I mean't to poke Rayner in the chest, but I missed his chest and poked his cheek.

"She didn't even drink much... Tori when you went to the bathroom did you have more to drink?" Jackson questioned. I had the attention span of a three year old and was suddenly facinated by the coral color on my finger nails. "Tori?" Jackson snapped me back into reality.

"Huuuh?" I laughed at the sound of my own voice. "OH! Well one, this girl gave it to me after she fell on me." I giggled at the memory. "She was gooooooooone." Jackson just shook his head at me, people were doing that a lot. I think maybe their necks are broken. As Jackson drove away I started examining his neck from the back.

"What are you doing?" He cringed when I tickled his neck.

"Just making sure it wasn't broken."

When we pulled back into the apartments Rayner told Jackson not to worry about coming back up and that I was going to bed. We got to the stairs and I plopped down. "That's a long way." I commented trying to get back up.

"No you don't." Rayner lifted me again like he had outside the party. "Tori you're a mess." He smirked adjusting me in his arms and beginning up the stairs. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to take drinks from strangers?" I frowned.

"Didn't anyone tell you not to kiss strangers?" He rolled his eyes.

"I kissed you." He pointed which had me rolling my eyes.

"We aren't as big of strangers, she wasn't even that pretty." I pouted at him. He nodded.

"You're right." He unlocked the door and set me on the couch. He started untying my shoes and I swung my legs to make it more difficult for him. Laughing at his glaring expression. "Bed time." He carried me to my room and layed me under the blankets. Just as he was switching off the light I asked him a quick question.

"Rayner did you like kissing that girl?" I don't even know if it was drunk or sober Tori asking, but we both were curious.

"She was just some girl Tor, go to sleep." He shut off the lights and left me in the dark trying to sort my intoxicated brain from normal thoughts. It was too hard so I gave in to the pulling darkness and shut my eyes falling asleep.

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