(19) No Pool Halls

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Back at the hotel was awkward. I had changed into my lazy gear and shoved my face into a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Rayner twidled his thumbs before finding an excuse to ditch me. I was left behind crying my eyes out to some ridiculous chick flick. I felt so lost and hopeless and to top it all off abandoned. Rayner was the last person I deserved after what I did to him, but come on. I was pathetic right now. How much did a girl have to suffer before their knight in shining armor came to rescue them? The girl in this flick only had to wait thirty minutes for her guy to come around. I'd been waiting for hours.

Enough time to order two meals and three desserts. Not to mention all the candy I'd collected from the vending machines. How would you feel if the man who ruined your life was running around scotch free? No punishment, nothing. I cried harder and shoved another plowful of ice cream into the hole in my face. Why wasn't Rayner here? I sobbed and crawled off the bed to use the restroom. Once I had relieved myself I jumped at what I saw in the mirror. On second thought I was glad he wasn't here to see me. I looked terrible. My hair still looked okay, but makeup was dripping down my cheeks.

After washing my face I climbed back into my fluffy bed and stuffed it into the bowl of ice cream. Sitting in this dark room was making me depressed, but I wanted to sulk. I wanted sympathy, and for someone to lie to me and tell me I was pretty when I cried. Since I was all alone I was just going to cry some more. It was nearly 4 when Rayner finally returned. He looked wiped out, but happier than he had been the past few weeks. Maybe it was just the selfish side of me, but I didn't understand how he was so happy.

The second he saw my face the look of pity reflected back at me. I pouted silently and turned my attention back to the tv and my third bowl of ice cream. This one was chocolate chip.

"Where have you been?" I questioned seamlessly, although I knew I wasn't fooling anyone.

"I was visiting my dad and sister." I forgot he had family. I felt bad for thinking so badly of him before. "Are you alright?" I just continued to look into the glowing screen."Tori?" I looked into his chocolate brown eyes with my glassy ultramarine pair.

"Tell me about your family." He kicked off his shoes and sat beside me on the bed.

"Well my dad, Randy, is 49 and tells the worst jokes." I laughed and tears escaped. I wiped them away. "My sister, Gracie, she's 13 and the most annoying sarcastic girl on the planet. Aside from you that is." I laughed again at this. "Nah, they are great. I really do miss them sometimes." I nodded.

"If you don't mind me asking, what about your mom?" His face faltered slightly.

"She left us, it was a long time ago. She and my dad fought a lot, I was 14 at the time. I think it affects my dad more than any of us. He has long gotten over her leaving, but I think he'd like if Gracie had a mother in her life." I smiled. "What about your parents? What were they like? I know it may be difficult to talk about them, but I think it could be good for you." I grinned at the memory of them.

"They were busy." I admitted, "Being business owners did that to you, but they really cared. I never felt pushed aside. I understood. My mom she was beautiful, I wish I looked more like her. She was so intelligent, and hilarious. That's why my dad says he fell in love with her. Her charm." I remembered her soft contagious laugh. "My dad on the other hand was pretty serious, but he had his moments. He was the type of dad that was strict, but would take you out of school to play hookie. He really was what everyone said about him. He had a reputation for being a great man, and he was. I miss them." I sighed. "I really hoped the police had the guy." I felt my eyes getting wet. "I should have known better than to get my hopes up." I set my bowl on the table.

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