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The day of the ceremony, Orion went with Seth to pick up their clothes from Forrest Fittings and Things. They also used the opportunity to get more clothes from the pack so that they would have more option than what Vincent had kindly provided.

At first Orion was hesitant to completely changing her, admittedly limited, wardrobe but once she tried on the outfit that Mama D'Leau had made, she decided she wouldn't mind more swanky new clothes.

As she put on the clothes for the second time that day- the second time with the intention of wearing them to their designated function. She had showered, and moisturised her skin before going to change in the bedroom to allow Seth the time and space to use the bathroom too.

The powder blue pantsuit that Mama D'Leau had made, was a cotton-silk blend. The woman had paired it with a silver shirt that did well to emphasise the girl's figure and compliment her skin tone. She liked how the material felt against her skin, and the way it fell around her.

Seth emerged from the bathroom, fully clothed, not too long later. His eyes gravitated towards Orion, he had to remind himself not to stare as he took her in! She was absolutely gorgeous and she didn't even have to do anything. 

Seth supposed that Mama D'Leau and Papa Bois had been somewhat instrumental in how co-ordinated they looked as a couple since Orion's outfit matched his own light blue shirt that was paired with charcoal coloured pants. It was the most put together that he had looked in years; he kind of enjoyed how dynamic they looked together. 

Orion had liked it too, though it would take her some time to get used to Seth's appearance for a couple of reasons. Firstly, she had never seen him wear such clothing before, the suit did well to highlight his muscular form- which of course had the woman trying not to stare. However, the other thing, was much more noticeable and Orion wasn't too sure she liked the change. 

Seth had trimmed his hair, and shaved his face! His once bushy, full beard, was reduced to smooth caramel skin, only small traces of stubble as a reminder of what once was. He had also cut his hair, it was somewhat cropped, his curls barely brushing his forehead in the way it did before. Orion missed his curly mane; it had been long enough to reach his shoulders, now it was hardly long enough for her to run her fingers through. 

She wasn't upset- she knew it didn't make sense for her to be- it was hair, and it wasn't even hers. Deep down, she knew what she felt, was a displacement created by an unknown. She knew it was Seth, but for her he seemed completely different somehow.

As soon as he saw her face Seth knew, "You don't like it?"

"It's just very different," She told him as she shook her head. It wasn't as if something as small and trivial as a haircut would break their supernatural bond as soulmates. "I liked your curls."

He hesitated, thinking through his actions; maybe it was because he had been cautious for so long, or maybe because he was still unsure. Orion sidled up to him with a confident grace, her hands reaching out to latch onto his and pull them around her waist. His fingers flexed on her hips before resting against them gently like they were always supposed to be there.

The feeling of being so bold, of being so open and getting what he wanted was bizarre, and he still had to get used to the fact that that he no longer had to force himself away from her. He liked it, he liked the possibility that one day he would be able to kiss her, to claim her, to take her without feeling as though he were committing a sin. He didn't  have to hold back anymore, and knowing that made him feel free. 

Orion smiled, enjoying this new unreserved side to him and the feeling of his arms around her waist- which she liked more, she could not say. looked up at him, inspecting his face carefully as if searching for the familiarity that she knew was in him somewhere.

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