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For the next few weeks, the couple followed the same routine. Each morning they would wake up, get dressed, have breakfast then go to Vincent's office to learn about what it meant to be leaders of a pack. For the last few weeks, Vincent had allowed the two to tail him on his days so they could get a feel for what it was like to attend to things both around the pack, and in the office. 

In the last few days, Vincent had spoken more and more about choosing a Beta- Seth presumed that he would go over that a lot more. It was somewhat refreshing to go over all the things he knew; he didn't mind at all that Vincent was going into extra detail for Orion's sake. It actually helped him to recall things that he didn't even realise he remembered.

The topic of Betas and Gammas would be rather interesting. Seth had already considered what might happen, and he was still unsure whether his pack would accept him enough for him to choose important figures as such. He found it somewhat strange; considering he had met Vincent's Beta. Whilst he couldn't deny that the man was good at his job, Seth also wondered what Vincent had been thinking when choosing the mischievous fellow as his right hand man. 

Seth and Orion walked hand in hand down the hall towards Vincents office. They had been a lot more tactile with one another as of late, Seth had been afraid that she had heard his confession that night but she hadn't once brought it up. He knew Orion, if she had something on her mind, she didn't hold back. 

Orion was none the wiser about Seth's confession, and she had noticed his sudden openness with her. It was nice, and she was enjoying it; she knew that they were approaching new territory in their relationship together. She was also slowly beginning to recognise in herself, how much she craved him- they had gone from nothing but a few heated glances, to now practically having their hands on each other all the time. She wondered what would happen when touches wasn't enough; could she want more? Did she? She wasn't entirely sure but she knew that at some point in the future she would- and so would he. 

A shiver of anticipation danced down her spine at the thought. She was excited to see where there relationship would go, though for now she was more excited to learn more from Vincent. All of it was new to her, but she found it all interesting and actually found that she had a knack for a lot of the things they were required to do. 

When the couple entered the office, they found that Vincent wasn't alone. With him were a host of other people, all of whom had been around when they first arrived to the pack. Orion recognized Fletcher, and Vincents father who she recalled was called Sean, but there was a new face too that she hadn't remembered being there.

He was tall, and incredibly buff- the man was almost as big as Seth was in both height and build- the girl knew that was customary of all wolves. This man was pale, with dark hair and dark distinctive eyes; it was not that he looked different, because in reality nobody in the room looked entirely the same. Orion was utterly amazed at how every person she met was could have the same basic parts but all look completely different; every time she had thought she had met all the people in the world, she met someone knew that broadened her world even more. 

"Seth, Orion," Vincent welcomed them into the room, gesturing towards the new stranger. "I'd like you both to meet Jaxon, my Gamma."

The man came forward giving the couple a small nod; a flicker of surprise transformed his features as Orion offered a her hand for him to shake. Jaxon took her hand, somewhat impressed at her firm grip as he shook her hand before opening his palm to Seth too. Seth, extended the same courtesy as his mate had. He couldn't help but be proud of his mate, she was obviously very good at, and enjoying, interacting with new people.

"Today we're going to talk a bit about what makes a good Beta and Gamma, hence the little entourage that's with me today. When you take up the Alpha and Luna positions, you will need to find people to fill these roles and they are crucial to making sure your pack functions properly." Vincent explained, inviting everyone to sit down around the office. He nodded over to Fletcher as if instructing him to speak. 

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