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A week passed by faster than Orion thought it would. She had spent the majority of the time with Seth and Vincent discussing and making the necessary arrangements for what was to come.

Vincent was always adamant to be finished with their meetings at an early-ish hour so that he would have time to spend with Luna Spiraea and their son before they left. The woman in question would sometimes bring them all lunch whilst they were in their meetings, though judging by her unusually sombre display, she wasn't entirely happy with the idea of her mate having to leave.

Seth felt somewhat bad about the tension between Vincent and Spiraea; it was after all his fault. It was his pack, his uncle, his presence and now his idea that would mean Vincent would have to leave his mate. Whilst they didn't expect for this situation to take very long, none of them knew how long they would be away for.

However, Spiraea, being the observant woman that she was quick to dispel any of his worry. Seth was taken aback not at all expecting her to have realised his guilt. It did make him feel much better to hear her sooth his troubles; there was something about her that just radiated a sense of comfort and understanding. 

Regardless of the much shorter hours used in preparation, everything had been set. They had made sufficient arrangements of where each Alpha would be stationed, with whom, doing what. The plan was to have Damien caged in from all sides with ample amounts of reinforcements from each Alpha on each side. Adam would cover the west, Killian and Renee the east, Sebastian would be at the rear which left Vincent to cover the north with his own reinforcements. Sam, Fletcher and Killian's Beta Adella, had managed to create and distribute earpieces amongst the Alphas so that they would all be able to communicate from their separate posts. All in all the preparations were running fairly smoothly. 

Whilst the plan seemed rather rushed, it was put together well enough that it could work, which they all agreed was the most important part. None of the Alphas were too nervous about the whole affair. The mutual trust and solidarity between them all meant that they would all be protected by each other- not that they necessarily needed to be. They were only the distraction after all... Nonetheless they could all rest assured that Damien would not be getting away. 

Seth, now that is was the evening before the long awaited day, was no longer nervous. He of course spent time pondering the things that could go wrong, but he was more resolute in the fact that he knew what he had to do. He knew what was to come. 

He had waited for the day to come far longer than anyone else; 17 years of his life, he had planned the day that he would face his uncle again. He lay awake in bed, Orion passed out beside him blissfully unaware of Seth trapped in his thoughts beside her. 

Part of him felt wrong, almost dirty, for thinking about all the slow and painful ways he wanted to torture the pig whilst his innocent mate slept beside him. But he couldn't help it, it was the only thing that could keep him from getting up and trying to find the man right then and there. 

Seth turned over, his eyes glancing at the clock on the table beside the bed. It was just gone 2, he would have to be up in the next 3 hours. They had planned to set off around 6am; if all things went to plan, he would be Alpha before lunchtime. 

A light drizzle began to come down, he could hear the thunder rolling in the distance. He hoped the rain would let up, but somehow he felt it fitting. The rain tapped against the glass of the window, Seth's body finally relaxing to the sound.

He never stopped thinking it odd that he could find comfort in the midst of chaos. Between that thought and the dark beckoning bellow of thunder that rumbled the air, he managed to fall asleep. 


The rain didn't let up; not as they ate a quick breakfast the next morning, not as they shifted and met up with the other Alphas for a quick brief, not as everyone took their planned positions, not as Seth hid Orion in the hollow of a large tree he found, and certainly not as Seth found himself striding onto his land to face his uncle. If anything it had started to rain harder. The thunder that had seemed miles away the night before seemed to crack and roll right above them. 

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