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Another 3 weeks had come and gone, and in that time Seth had made a considerable improvement. Over the last three weeks Seth, Vincent, and Jaxon had sparred together every day with multiple matches; Vincent and Jaxon won quite a few of them, but so had Seth. He was definitely much better than when he had started out, not only could Jaxon and Vincent see the improvements but Seth could feel them.

He was a lot more efficient with his movements when fighting, and since neither Vincent or Jaxon held back at all he learned very quickly what Jaxon had meant about needing to be both unpredictable and a quick thinker. He no longer acted solely on pure rage, and he no longer had to put too much effort into thinking at all any more, it all came as naturally as breathing to the man.

Every time the three sparred, they would end up bloody and bruised by the end- something that Spiraea and Orion felt quite differently about. Sean, Vincent's father, had decided one morning to watch the sparring session, Orion jupon invitation jumped at the opportunity considering she had barely had time to see Seth over the last three weeks. Spiraea had also been invited by her mate but declined, telling him that she had no desire to see him hurt, or hurting another, especially not when she could be spending time with their son, Max, instead.

Orion watched, hands clasped in front of her mouth watching as Seth fought. She wasn't afraid because she had seen him fight before, she also had seen the aftermath of their sparring matches; she had spent a few evenings over the last few weeks massaging out his sore limbs, when she actually got to see him and they were both in an alright mood.

She watched as he moved, and even she could tell there was something slightly different. There was a new kind of grace about him, swift, clean and precise; the tell-tale wildness about him that she had always seen in him whilst it was still there, was tamed. Before it had been as if that rogue part had been in control of him, now Seth was the one in control, well somewhat in control.

She watched him as he sent Jaxon to the floor, he was knocked out cold with the hard hit that Seth had delivered to his head. Then he moved on Vincent who had begun to tire a little, taking him down with a kick and quick succession of punches. Vincent was floored with an audible thud, Seth holding his elbow over Vincent's throat in a threat of submission. Had it not been a friendly sparring session, Vincent might have been frightened.

"From now on, we'll make things even harder." Vincent spoke as Seth offered him a hand up. "My father has agreed to join in so as to add an extra layer of difficulty."

Seth nodded thanks, business-like as usual. A few paces away Jaxon sat up from his spot on the ground, having just regained consciousness. Seth went over immediately to offer him a hand, it was his personal way of both apologising and making sure the man was okay. They were werewolves, they healed faster than regular humans and it took a severe injury to really cause any damage, but Seth wanted to make sure.

When Jaxon was deemed fine, Vincent's attention turned back to Seth and now also onto Orion. There was a subtle distance between the two that Vincent could sense, whilst it wasn't alarming, it was still particularly obvious that the two needed to spend some proper time together.

"You two won't have any mentoring today, you've both spent plenty of time in and around my pack and I'm confident in both your abilities as Alpha and Luna respectively. I'm arranging a meeting between all the other Alphas again, now that you're both in a much better place we need to come up with a plan." Vincent's tone was hard and serious as he spoke about the impending future.

It had always been something hovering like a mirage in the distant future, their future, and whilst it had seemed scary Orion hadn't been too worried because there was still plenty of time for them to figure things out. Now it felt like a viper winding about her neck, as if it was so close she could practically touch it, and suddenly it felt as if the last few months that she had been at Vincent's pack hadn't existed.

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