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4 years later

"I know you're annoyed," the woman huffed both tired and impatient. "I swear, sometimes it's like you forget that I can feel your emotions."

Seth turned his back to the girl with a heavy sigh; this argument had been a regular occurrence for a while. He knew it was entirely his fault, he had not thought of the complexity of their situation in the moment and still he was trying to deal with the fall out. He was glad that he saved her life, he would make the same choice again in a heart beat if he had to; but marking her didn't mean it solved all their problems.

"Why can't you just drop it little star?" Seth's voice grew sharper, his wolf getting impatient at the girls insistence. He would have thought he had gotten used it by now- she had been particularly chatty in her younger years.

"Because it makes me angry. What was the point in saving my life, if you just want me to sit around here alone for the whole day!"

Orion felt like she was going to scream- he drove her crazy. Her hands bunched into her curls, fisting them into her palms until it stung her scalp gently. The pain had always been a comfort to her, she had learnt from a very young age that pain was a constant, it was reliable; now she was not afraid of pain, it grounded her.

"Do not speak of your life ending so lightly!" Suddenly the man had spun around, stepping closer until he was little more than a hairsbreadth away, his face contorting into something just shy of fury.

She could see the dangerous glint in his eyes, a wildness there that threatened to awaken his beast; she knew there was a darkness in him, hiding below the surface of his caring human display.

If he had been anything less than the man who had raised her- that had been there for her every time she had fallen over, held her after every nightmare, and distracted her through every rainstorm- then perhaps she would have been afraid.

"Don't growl at me!" She retorted hotly, her anger burning like a fire within. She wasn't one to back down, especially when it came to Seth.

She regretted shouting at him, she knew that they never got anywhere but yelling at one another. It had seemed to be all they had been doing lately, and she was tired of it.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. That happened 4 years ago and you still treat me like I'm a liability." She let out a small sigh, the fire in her fading a little. Her hand moved before she even thought about it, caressing Seth's face for a moment though it didn't last very long as Seth moved away with the speed of someone who had been burnt. She tried not to be dejected, she really tried but it still stung. "Seth, we can't keep avoiding each other like this. I'm not a child anymore and I-"

"Shush," He hushed the girl suddenly, his entire body springing up in alertness.

"Yeah right, that's not going to work!" Orion huffed with a roll of her eyes. For a man nearly twice her age, he often acted more immature than her.

"Orion I'm serious, be quiet!" He hissed in a whisper, turning up his nose to sniff the air close to the doorway.

The girl immediately obeyed, his tone was stern— the one he would use on her whenever he told her off. She always knew to listen when he used that voice, and when he called her by her name.

Orion bit her lip, straining her own ears to see if she could catch whatever mysterious sound it was that Seth could hear. She knew it was in vain, his wolf man senses were over ten times more sensitive than her human ones.

"Stay here." Seth turned to her, the glint in his eyes was wild, feral; the other part of him coming out with an unrestrained fire, ready to protect his home and his mate.

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