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"Sir we've finally collated a full report. The other Alpha's are working together, we're completely surrounded." A breathless warrior rushed to Damien's side as he spoke. 

The Alpha in question kept his eyes locked on Seth, rage filling his eyes, his lips curling into a vicious snarl. Seth couldn't help the note of realisation on Damien's face; there was nowhere for him to run, nowhere to hide. This would be his end. 

"Fine. I accept your challenge." Damien stepped forward, pulling his shirt off over his head as was tradition for challenges. "I'll end you the way I did you parents."

Seth wasn't sure if it was an admission to his guilt of being involved in both his parents' untimely deaths, or whether Damien was only trying to anger him. Either way it didn't matter; Seth rolled his neck, settling into his familiar horse stance comfortably. Damien would be the one to make the first move, Seth would make sure that he didn't make any rash mistakes. 

Damien watched Seth, circling him for a moment. A growl of impatience transformed his features into something fearsome. He rushed forward, canines elongated and bares, fists raised ready to attack. His curled fist hurtled towards Seth savagely. 

Seth stepped out of the way, turning with his own fist ready to attack. Damien was ready though, his other hand delivering a sharp punch to Seth's cheek. Seth bit down on his surprise, the older man was far more agile and faster than he had anticipated. He would give credit where credit was due, but he had 17 years riding on this moment, nothing Damien did would matter. 

Seth's brain flickered through his possibilities faster than he could think them; he knew Damien would probably be anticipating a punch to the face or body in retaliation. Maybe he could even anticipate a roundhouse kick. So instead, Seth squatted a little deeper, his leg shooting out lighting fast to clip his uncles ankles. 

The man didn't see it coming, his balance disrupted sending him backwards to the ground in a unceremonious heap. Seth was on him sending blow after blow to his face. His knuckled bruised and bloody in a mix of both his and Damien's blood from the force of his punches. He knew he could have ended it there. Maybe he should have ended it there, but there was that part of him, the darkness that he had locked away a long time ago that couldn't stop.

The part of him that wanted to make Damien pay. 

Damien recognised the dark snarl that transformed his nephews features. He sent a knee to Seth's back, shaking him off as he rolled to his feet. Seth stood, a small feeling of triumph pooling in his gut at the sight of Damien's mangled face. 

Damien choked out a laugh, watching with beady, perceptive eyes. "Looks like we're more alike that you think nephew. For a moment I thought I was looking in a mirror."

"I am nothing like you!" Seth roared charging forwards. He clumsily tried to land a few punches but Damien blocked them. He held the back of Seth's head, a nasty spiteful laugh in his throat as he brought his knee into his face.

Seth staggered back, blood pouring from his now broken nose. The throbbing pain, nowhere near the feeling of the rage pounding in his veins. He needed to think, and his anger was distracting him. He tried to think back to the days he had spent sparring with Jaxon, Vincent and Sean; he had to calm down. 


The woman stood at the back of the crowd, trying to look over all the heads in her way. She could hear the growls, the shouting as the challenge took place. A cocktail of emotions taking her over as she tried to get through the crowd. 

It seemed as if everyone had gathered in the pack to see the challenge play out, all with the same secret hope that this challenger would be able to win against Damien. She couldn't help the pit growing in her stomach, something in her knowing that something was going to happen. 

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