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After the two had run around for hours, playing in the woods, they stopped in a small clearing. Orion collapsed in a heap of breaths and giggles as Seth's wolf nuzzled at her small frame. The two were completely covered in mud and dirt, not that either of them were particularly bothered by it.

Seth shifted behind a tree, thanking his forethought to bring a pair of shorts, before cuddling up beside Orion. Without a second thought, she leaned over resting her head against his broad shoulder. He tensed for a moment before relaxing, only hesitating for a moment until he decided to wrap a large arm around her waist.

Through the tops of the trees the stars were visible; it reminded Orion of the many nights when he would try to show her the constellations. The night air was cool, but laid against Seth, she could hardly feel the chill; he always kept her warm.

"Tell me about Orion again," the woman sighed looking up at the bright stars. Picking out the now familiar grouping of stars that made up Orion's belt.

"Don't you think you've heard me tell you the stories enough times?" Seth chuckled, though he would never admit it, he loved when she asked him about the stars. It provided for him a small solace; a reminder of the cool nights he had spent looking through his telescope with his mother and father and huge plans to travel amongst the stars one day. It was a bittersweet connection to his past, and he was still grateful for it, even if it were light years away.

Maybe there was a part of her that knew it, maybe she saw the way he would light up, or hear the wistful smile in his voice whenever he spoke about it. Maybe she could feel his wonder, his joy; catch a glimpse of the child he once was. Maybe that was why she continued to ask.

Regardless of her reasoning, he could never deny her, so he told her everything she wanted to know and more.

Even though she never really saw the images he would paint with the stars, she would never get tired of hearing him tell her about it. Sometimes, when he drew it out for her, she could just about make it out- the picture of the hunter in the sky, club drawn threatening like a sword and lions pelt like a shield.

"Some people say that Artemis was the one who sent the scorpion. Some say it was Leto. But there are those who say that Orion was the goddess' Soulmate, and to make sure she kept her vow of chastity her brother Apollo tricked her into an archery competition. He dared her to shoot an impossible target, and Artemis, not realising it was Orion, fired her arrow, killing him instantly." Seth mused, and for a moment he wasn't there. For a moment he was 28 years in the past, a mere child listening as his mother told him the very same story for the first time.

"Which do you think it was?" Orion brought him back to the present as she looked up at him with shining inquisitive eyes.

"Well...I don't know." Seth replied honestly, though seeing the slight dissatisfaction in Orion's gaze at his answer he decided to expand. She was way too curious for her own good sometimes, she didn't do well if she didn't get answers. "I'd like to believe that Orion was the Moon Goddess' soulmate. Maybe it was because she felt that love that she gave to her children? Nobody really knows, in fact most of us don't even know who the Moon Goddess is."

"It must be incredibly frustrating. Not knowing." Orion mused gently; she wasn't entirely sure that she was still talking about the moon Goddess anymore.

Their meeting earlier that day with all the other Alphas had only revealed that there were far more questions than answers in the air. Everything was so uncertain, all they could do was focus on getting through the day and worrying about the future when it finally came.

"It is, but having people- having you- beside me makes it so much easier to bear." His hand flexed against her waist gently, the discomfort of his words scratching his throat. Nonetheless he knew what he wanted to say, what he needed to say. "Thank you for standing up for me."

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