Chapter 9: Late-Shifter:

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As Chase's bad behaviour vanished, the 5 became 6. Chase had formed a strong friendship bond with Akira, Tyler, Shade, Daniel and Rufus. They laughed together, hung out and things were perfect.

But as Chase came home, his parents stood at the door, as his mother dragged him upstairs and threw him with a strong loft as he bumped into the wall.

"What's this?! You've been hanging out with faggots! You know creatures like them need to suffer in hell! What is wrong with you?!"

Chase widened his eyes in terror. "But he's my friend-"

His father pinned him to the wall, taking one of Chase's belts out of his drawer. "That so-called community is revolting! Boys should like girls and girls like boys! And people are the gender they're born with! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, BOY?!" Chase nodded, shaking in fear. "If I catch you with her again I'll have your head!"

Chase's father pinned him strongly to the wall, letting out his fury on his son. As he did, Chase felt a rush of energy, a rush of anger. As he felt this, he shouted with his eyes illuminated with a sunny yellow. "NO!" He thrust his father back, the father making a dent in the wall as he bumped into it. "I've had enough of you two! You say you gave everything I ever wanted, but no love! No affection! NOTHING!"

His parents ran out of the room, terrified.

What is he? His father thought as he sat on the couch in the living room.

Meanwhile, in Chase's bedroom, he felt tingling and pain all over his body, as he dripped with sweat. All of a sudden, he watched in horror as white fur spread all over his body, a grey mane growing around his head and on his chest. He then saw and felt his hands uncomfortably grow paw pads as his hands swelled to paws. His teeth grew sharp, his shoulders became broad and a feline tail with a grey tip grew on his rear. His eye shape changed, his jaw cracked into place, his arms and legs bent into place, and his tongue became rough, as his lips became black gums around his mouth, as he led on the floor panting. His face grew a feline's muzzle, he grew a little bigger, bulkier and stronger, as he let out a thunderous ROAR!!!!!

As day turned to night, Chase tossed and turned in his sleep. He dreamt of running through the savannah, running after a wildebeest, but before he could capture it, he woke up with his whole body sweating.

On the other hand, Akira had a similar dream, running through the forest, then spotting a white figure with a greyish mane and yellow eyes. The figure stopped as Akira saw the animal flash to a person for a split second. She awoke, hyperventilating and then catching her breath after this mysterious vision. "Who was that?" She asked herself, as she got up and got ready for school.

She saw Tyler and the others waiting, including Chase. Akira was still confused as to why Chase became nice in the first place but accepted it. "Hey, Akira! Let's go to the forest area!" Tyler laughed, but before he ran, he noticed Chase looking a bit nervous and shaken, as he trembled. "Chase, you coming?"

He nodded, following the others to the forest area. As they sat in their usual spot, Akira took out something from her bag. It was like a rock but covered in foil, but as she unwrapped it, all of them, including Chase, were amazed. Akira's mother had packed a huge chunk of meat to share with her friends. "Let's tuck in!"

So Akira split the moist chunk of meat into 6 equal chunks, as they all ate it, including Chase. "Chase, since when do you get meat cravings?" Akira asked, noticing Chase with meat crumbs on his face.

"Since... Last night. Something... weird happened." The group were intrigued. "One minute my parents were scolding me for hanging out with you guys, and the next, I'm seeing these painful changes happening to my body. The next thing I know, I look in my mirror and see a white lion with a grey mane and yellow eyes. And then in the night, I have this dream that I'm chasing after a wildebeest in the savannah."

Akira and the others widened their eyes, their mouths gaped with shock and surprise. "So you're a Therian Shifter too! Wow!" Daniel widened his eyes as he hugged Chase with happiness. "That's so cool!"

Chase smiled, but the question was, who did he get the DNA of a Therian Shifter from?

"I have no idea how I am one. My parents are fully human, and so are all my other family members. So I don't know how."

The group seemed confused but amazed that he was a Therian Shifter in the first place. "Can we see your form?" Akira Asked.

Chase nodded, as he turned to a white lion with a grey mane and yellow eyes, as the group seemed fascinated by his form. Akira then stood up and took a closer look. "Hmm," Akira thought deeply, squinting her eyes. "Your form looks similar to my father's form. But then again I wouldn't be so sure if you were... you know... related to me."

Chase thought hard about this. Me, related to Akira? I wouldn't be so sure, but if I was... Chase then looked up at Akira, as he turned back to his human form.

As the school day ended, Akira came to her parents' car with a confused look on her face. "Dad?" He looked over. "I think Chase might be related to us. I saw Chase turn into a white lion with a grey mane."

Her father slightly tilted his head, but then again, he had second thoughts. "We'll talk about this when we get home to your mother. That way you have both of us."

Akira nodded as she got into the car, and they drove home.

As they arrived home, Akira's parents talked among themselves. Akira had a feeling they knew something about how Chase could suddenly become a Therian Shifter in one night.

"Akira. Chase is not related to us. He was adopted into the Grieves's family. Mrs Grieves had an abortion 14 years ago and took Chase in from the orphanage. I know Chase's foster parents because they were in my school when I was younger. They were the brattiest people I'd ever met. Like Chase, they'd be spoiled rotten and it affected their behaviour. They were bullies to me and your mother. Mrs Grieves is what you kids call nowadays a 'Karen' and the father, well, he's one of those alcoholic businessmen that only care about their income at their job, always on some sort of device that they're communicating with their colleagues on."

Akira was shocked at this. "So both Tyler and Chase are foster kids?"

Akira's father nodded.

The next day, Tyler, Shade, Chase, Daniel and Rufus were all talking among themselves. Tyler then saw Akira, jumping for joy. "Akira! Come join us!"

Akira joined in, laughing and joking along with the group.

But it was at 1:30 in the afternoon that Mr Furlow's door was knocked. Mr Tolfree came in and collected Akira, Tyler, Shade, Daniel and Rufus.

But as they sat down at the table outside the Forest Room, Mr Tolfree had a serious expression on his face.

"I know why Chase is a Therian Shifter." The boys and Akira widened their eyes. "I know who his parents were too. They are not Akira's, they are neither of yours. Come with me into the forest room and we'll talk."

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