Chapter 13: A New Friend:

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As the school day came to a start, Akira and her friends had gone off to their lessons. Akira, Tyler and Chase had gone to Geography, as their teacher, Ms Holland waited for the students to come in as Akira, Chase, and Tyler went in first, as the others came late after procrastinating by chilling near the maths block.

As Ms Holland started the lesson, everyone was tired as it was a Friday. Some fell asleep, some were on the verge of falling asleep, and Akira and her friends were only just keeping their eyes open, as everyone groaned in tiredness.

"Yes, students, I know it's a Friday. I'm just as exhausted as you are, and I'm really trying to keep it together." She then spotted Akira and her friends had almost finished the work. "See, even Akira, Tyler and Chase can stay awake. So do come on now!"

Everyone else groaned, as Akira and her friends had put the full stops on their last paragraphs, as they one by one gave in their books for Ms Holland to mark. She smiled with satisfaction as she ticked their work. It was then Ms Holland noticed a small piece of paper. It read, "At 11:25, Akira DarkTail, Tyler B, Shade, Daniel, Rufus, and Chase Grieves must come to me for an SEN meeting. Signed, J Tolfree."

She then looked at the time on the computer. It was 11:20 am. She then signalled for Akira, Tyler and Chase to come over to her.

"I've got a note here from Mr Tolfree saying you 3 need to go to his classroom to have an SEN meeting in 5 minutes. You better go now if you want to go on time."

They nodded, grabbing their bags and heading out the door. They waited outside the gate to see Mr Tolfree approaching with the key to the gate and the door.

"Hey, guys! You saw the note?" Mr Tolfree asked as the 6 of them nodded. "Great! I'll unlock the door and explain what we're doing today, ok?"

As the key clicked and unlocked the gate, they went inside and Mr Tolfree locked up.

"Right. A new student is arriving tomorrow at 8:45. His name is Kody. Look for the thick, dark hair." Mr Tolfree explained. "He is going to be with you guys here with me tomorrow. He is a Therian Shifter too. But I haven't found out from his parents what his form is. So I am guessing we'll see it tomorrow, ok?"

The group nodded as they headed off to break.

They sat in their usual spot and talked about the new student.

"Another Therian Shifter? Cool! I can't wait till tomorrow!" Akira squealed with delight.

"Yeah. He'll be a nice addition to our group. He sounds cool already even though we haven't met him." Shade remarked.

As the end of the school day had arrived. Akira's father came to pick up Chase and Akira. The day had no problems at all. Akira, Chase and Akira's father started listening to the radio as Akira made Chase laugh by mouthing the adverts that she had heard so many times.

As they arrived home, Akira's mother had just finished cooking.

"Just in time, I made a beef lasagna!" Akira's mother placed the tray on the table as the steam let off the mouth-watering scent of the mincemeat, the cheese and the tomato sauce, as they all took their share. "What do you think? It's grandma's recipe!"

Akira, Chase and Akira's parents licked their lips in satisfaction as they finished eating.

After the warm meal and bellies were full, Akira and Chase thumped upstairs to brush their teeth and change into their pyjamas. Chase changed in his bedroom and Akira changed in hers. Akira's pyjamas had paw-prints on them and Chase's pyjamas had a game controller pattern on them.

Both of them fell asleep, snuggling into their freshly-washed duvet.

The next day, Akira and Chase woke up with excitement. They put on their uniform and headed with Akira's mother into the car, excited about the new student.

"I wonder what Kody looks like? Sir said to look out for the dark hair." Chase said with a smile on his face.

Akira nodded. "I think he'll be really nice."

As the car stopped outside the school gates, Chase and Akira hopped out of the car as they approached the school. They saw Tyler and the others waiting for them as they all walked to the forest area.

As the bell rang for Tutor, the group made it and started talking. It was then Mr Furlow came in with Kody and silenced the class. "This is Dakodah, everyone. He's a transfer student from Terriana, please make him feel welcome." Mr Furlow explained. "He finds trouble with his English sometimes so do be patient when speaking with him, ok?" He then turned to Kody. "You can sit with Akira and her friends. She has dark hair like you. Look out for the scar, ok?"

Kody had dark hair, as described, and he wore a bandana over his eyes. The bandana was see-through but covered enough for Kody to see and the others to not see his eyes. He wore a casual outfit, as he wore a broach shaped like a komodo dragon on his navy-blue t-shirt.

He nodded, walking over to Akira and her friends' table as they started chatting. Luckily Tyler could understand Japanese because he loved the language and learned many a word and phrase. As break came, Kody, Akira and the others came to their spot. Kody was mesmerized by the forest surroundings, as he followed the group with a gaped mouth.

"Ooh! Pretty!" Kody said, his Japanese accent noticeable.

"So did Mr Furlow say you are from Japan?" Tyler asked, annunciating his words for Kody to understand him. Kody nodded. They laughed together and so did the rest of the group. It was then 2 boys walked past Kody stretching their eyelids to make their eyes look Asian, which offended Kody personally, as Kody put his hand on his heart and turned away in sorrow. Akira stood up and stood in front of Kody and bared her teeth at the boys, who laughed, and Akira's friends weren't pleased. This was Kody's first day at their school and they wouldn't hesitate to do everything they could to protect him. 

"Leave him alone!" Akira muttered under her breath, as she growled, as Kody gasped quietly as he heard Akira's growl for the first time. "It's his first day! And he's a student here and so are you and you shouldn't treat him so-"

Before Akira could finish her sentence, one of the boys slapped her on the cheek. Kody gasped. "Aki!" He cried.

Akira growled louder as her eyes glowed and changed to their amber colour. They stood still for a moment, as Akira pounced, turning to her wolf-lion hybrid form, roaring at the boys, as they ran away screaming. Kody then gasped, gently dragging his fingers along the softness of Akira's fur, as she turned around. But as she did, another wolf-lion hybrid appeared. It looked similar to Akira but instead had whiter fur and pink inside its ears instead of brown in them like Akira's. Akira gasped as she lifted her left front paw and Kody lifted his right front paw, as they put their paws together, as Kody's eyes shone with an ice-blue illumination and Akira's eyes shone with their amber illumination.

"Oh my god.." Daniel stood up and looked at Kody and then Akira. "You guys are almost the same... THAT'S SO COOL!!"

"Oo mai goddo!" Kody looked at Akira. "You, me, twins!"

Akira laughed and so did Kody. They were almost identical!

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