Chapter 14: Unexpected Encounter:

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"Whoa!'' Akira exclaimed as both Kody and Akira stood opposite each other, staring in shock and amazement. "You're just like me!"

Kody agreed as he circled Akira, mesmerized by how similar she looked compared to him. As a few weeks went by, Kody had improved greatly on his English and could speak it fluently. Akira's friends respected Kody as a greatly honored friend.

However, these times of good had soon gone downhill. 

Akira awoke from her slumber, letting out a lion-like yawn and stretching her limbs, shaking her head a bit to wake herself up. As she tiptoed out of her room, Chase appeared.

"Morning." He whispered as they both tiptoed downstairs, having breakfast at the table. "How did you sleep last night, Akira?"

She nodded, scooping some cereal out from her bowl and eating it. Chase had buttered some toast for himself. After the two had breakfast, Akira's father had awoken. As Akira heard him walking around upstairs, Akira put the kettle on and waited by it so she could make him a cup of coffee. As he had come downstairs and sat in his chair, Akira gave him his cup of coffee and sat back in her chair.

"Morning you two. You guys sleep ok?" Akira's father asked as he sipped on his coffee.

They nodded, finishing their breakfast and putting their cutlery in the dishwasher.

That day was a Sunday, so Akira and Chase had the opportunity to go on a woodland walk with Akira's father. After going to the toilet and getting dressed, they were all set as Akira had a small pouch of birdseed, and Chase had a bag of monkey nuts for the squirrels. The forest near their house was luscious. As spring had started to settle in, the emerging greenery started to make the forest look more lively as the beautiful sound of birds created a peaceful atmosphere.

"First is the birdfeeder on the left after the bridge. Akira, do you want to empty all the seeds into the birdfeeder or save some to scatter?" Akira's father asked as Akira got out the birdseed pouch from her coat pocket, opening the resealable bag with ease.

"I'll leave some to scatter." Akira replied as she opened the bag a bit wider so she could hold the pouch securely.

 As they arrived at the birdfeeder, Akira's father and Chase stood a small distance away from the small tree that the birdfeeder was on as Akira walked towards it slowly, approaching alone. The birdfeeder was a small, black tray, as it was secured tightly to the branch using cable ties.

As Akira approached the birdfeeder, she put her hand in the pouch carefully and took out a handful of seeds. As she did, a small sound caught her ear. It sounded like a split-second sound of helicopter blades. It was a quiet and quick sound. Akira soon realized that the sound she had heard was of the swift flapping of a small bird's wings. As she came a small inch closer, a little robin had perched on a small branch, as Akira looked at it in awe as it started singing right in front of her. Its eyes were black, as they stood out from its orange belly feathers and brownish-grey back and wing feathers. But as it sang, another robin appeared. That must be its friend! Akira thought as she smiled at them. She poured in some more seeds into the birdfeeder as the 2 robins started to feed out of the tray.

After she had fed the robins, Chase and Akira's father started to toss the nuts out for the squirrels. "Listen." He whispered, as Akira and Chase heard rustling in the trees as they kept their distance and 5 squirrels started to run down the trunks of the trees, retrieve the nuts and run back up to their branches. "Look at them go!"

As they made it to the end of the trail and Akira and Chase had scattered their birdseed and monkey nuts, they headed home with Akira's father as they sat in the kitchen out of breath after all the excitement that they experienced.

Akira had made warm drinks for them, as Akira's mother had come down the stairs in her dressing gown. "Morning, Hunter! Did you take those two out for a walk in the local woods?"

He nodded, as all four of them sipped on their warm drinks, letting out a sigh as the warmth was relaxing.

But that relaxation was shattered by a knock at the door. It got louder and louder as the hunter who took Akira had made it into their house.

"Ahaha! There you are!" He cackled, grappling Akira by the back of the shirt firmly. "You're coming back with me!"

But before they could take off with her, Akira tried to wriggle free. The hunter flopped on his face suddenly as he was no longer picking up a light little girl, but a bulky, strong Liolf. She wriggled free and stood opposite her enemy. Akira huffed, carried the hunter by the back of the shirt, and flung him so far he landed in the river, soaking wet. She did the same with his henchmen as Chase laughed at the humorous scene. Akira then sped off for a second and came back.

"What did you do with them?" Chase asked as he giggled a bit.

"You'll see." Akira giggled too, as she turned back to normal and headed inside.

The next morning while Akira and Chase were eating their breakfast in the living room, the news came on.

"After 21 years, these 3 illegal hunters, Craig Paine, Samuel Dean, and Danny Westford have finally been caught thanks to a 12-year-old girl named Akira DarkTail, who took our police team to their hideout in CollarEnd Forest. They have been sentenced to life imprisonment for animal cruelty, illegal hunting, and illegal taxidermy with a fine of £20,000. We also found their hideout which contained many caged animals. They have been rescued by the Animal Rescue team, saving 9 dogs, 5 lions, 4 rhinos, and many more. These dogs were originally used for their illegal hunting activity. These animals were neglected and underfed so our Animal Rescue unit will nurse them back to health. Jen, over to you."

"So that's where you went yesterday!" Chase gasped. "You led the police to their hideout!"

Akira looked up and shut her eyes in pride.

After the news report and Akira and Chase were ready, they went to the car with Akira's father and drove to the school with smiles on their faces.

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