Chapter 10: The Truth about Chase Grieves:

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The group looked intrigued.

"But, sir?" Tyler asked in confusion. "I thought you said his parents were human-"

Mr Tolfree stopped for a second and took in what Tyler said. "Ah, yes. The rich ones are. However, they are not his real parents. Both Tyler and Chase are orphans. Tyler's parents sadly died when he was 5. Coincidentally, so did Chase's." The group were shocked at what Mr Tolfree was saying, wanting to hear more. "After Chase's parents had gone, he and Tyler fended for themselves in the woods. Then the rich couple who are Chase's current foster parents found him and took him in, leaving Tyler on his own."

Akira was shocked at this news. "So Tyler and Chase used to be friends?"

Mr Tolfree nodded. This news was rather shocking to the group. Then unexpectedly, a knock was heard at the door. Chase waited outside.

"Wait here, guys. Don't mention anything I said to you, ok?"

They nodded, as Chase came in. The group were shocked to see he had a black eye, a split lip and scratches on his cheek, as instead of wearing smart clothes, he had a baggy hoodie on.

"Are you alright?" Mr Tolfree said with a soft tone, guiding Chase in. "Now what's happened?"

Chase sighed, as before he could speak he started crying, as Mr Tolfree rubbed his back.

"Those 4 kids... The one's who tortured Akira...?" Chase's voice broke in sadness. "They... hurt me... they punched me, called me names, scratched my face with a Stanley blade, and pinned me against the tree..."

The group gasped. "But.. why?" Shade asked as the group tried to comfort him.

Chase sniffed and tried to wipe his tears. "They know... about my form... Apparently, I'm a freak now..." He banged the table with his fist, growling in anger and sadness, as he cushioned his face by crossing his arms, as he sobbed.

"Poor Chase..." Akira felt bad for him. But at the same time knew this was an essence of karma.

Chase had then turned to his form, walking over to the couch and slumping flat on the cushions, bellowing softly in sadness. As the school day ended, Chase's mum didn't care about his wounds. "What are you wearing?! Take that lump of fabric off from your best clothes before I tear it off! This is not November!!"

Chase sighed but before he could get into the car, she slapped him on the cheek. "You disgust me, young man! Stop hanging out with that f*ggot or I'll force you!"

Little did she know, that Tyler, Rufus, Akira, Shade and Daniel were hidden so they came out from behind the wall, Tyler pressing the record button to stop filming.

"Shh..." Tyler signalled as if to say 'Don't tell'.

Chase nodded as when Chase's foster mum looked behind the wall where the 5 students were, they were gone like magic.

Meanwhile, after school, Tyler had shown the clip of Chase's foster mum slapping him on the face and being cruel to him, when the word 'F*ggot* had passed through his ears, he gasped with anger. "That is the most disgusting language I've ever heard! She'll have some explaining to do tomorrow afternoon! I am giving her a call."

As the next day came, Chase had woken up in his form, leaving his foster parents speechless and scared, trembling. "What?" He said, tilting his head so his parents could understand. He looked at himself, realising he had shifted in his sleep, he changed back. "So what if I turn into this? I don't care what you think."

Before Chase could walk out the door, his father got in the way. "What's gotten into you, boy?!"

With his strong teeth, Chase grabbed his foster father by the shirt and flung him against the wall, as he walked out the door. "I HAVE A NAME! IT'S CHASE!" He yelled, facing his foster parents with an angered glare. "AND YOU KNOW WHAT? IT'S FINE IF SOMEONE IS PART OF LGBT! LEAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS ALONE!"

He shook the ground as he walked out. His father then stood up, grabbing one of Chase's belts out of his drawer. "I'll show you to talk back to your father!"

But before he could whip Chase with the belt, he had already caught it in his jaws, throwing it back to his father, the end of the belt whipping him in the face. Then unexpectedly, his foster father dragged him into his bedroom, as loud roaring and yowling were heard, Chase was suffering his foster father's wrath, trying to wriggle free.

Not too far away, Akira could hear the distant, distressing sounds from outside her father's car, opening the window slightly. "Dad, listen!"

He parked the car outside a chain of houses. "That sounds like Chase!"

They ran into the house, seeing Chase in his form unconscious, and his foster father with fury written all over his face. "Leave the boy alone! Let him go."

Chase's foster father stood up. "Hello again, Hunter. Animalistic freakazoid."

Akira's father growled as he pulled Chase out of his foster father's grip. "You've been drinking again, haven't you? So you're letting all that unnecessary anger out on this poor boy's life! What are you doing with yourself! What was the real reason you took Chase in 14 years ago?"

Chase's foster father's eyes widened.

A flashback appeared, when both of them were on their honeymoon, having a walk in the woods. They then heard laughing. Chase was pouncing with Tyler, as they jumped around trying to catch bugs on the ground, practising their hunting skills. Chase then all of a sudden got grabbed by the foster father, as Tyler was left on his own.

"They were gay! It was disgusting so I took him away from the freak!"

Chase stood up angered by this madness. "We were not gay! I was trying to make him feel better about his real parents' death, you lied to me!" He gritted his teeth. "If you didn't assume that and just left us alone, maybe I wouldn't have been a bully to Tyler! Maybe I wouldn't have got suspended a few weeks back! What's wrong with you?!?"

Chase signalled for Akira and her father to come along. Akira then sped around the room, speedily packing his things, with Akira helping. "Wait, you're seriously not-"

Before the foster father could finish his sentence, the door slammed shut, leaving Chase's foster parents in an empty bedroom.

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