Chapter 25: Who Is Felix?

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Later on, Akira had shut off her light and went to sleep. But a few minutes later there was a quiet tap at her window. Akira jumped a bit and put her hand on her heart with fright as she saw Felix at the window looking at her with glowing, steel-blue eyes. She let out a quiet, short scream that Chase and her parents didn't hear, but only Felix heard it. Akira swiftly but quietly came to her window and opened it a bit for Felix's muzzle to fit through.

"Hey." He said. "Come with me, I wanna show you something."

Akira rubbed her eyes, grabbed her coat and carefully stepped out of the window. She gently shut her window and followed Felix into the woods. She went onto his back as he ran towards Akira's high rock. Akira followed him to the top of it, and as she made it to the top, Akira gasped in astonishment. The stars shone brightly in the night sky as the houses looked like silhouettes, and the full moon shone brightly. The night was nice and breezy as Akira turned to her form and sat beside Felix.

"You ready?" Felix asked, as Akira went to the edge and howled with all her might, and Felix started after. They then came down from the high rock and went inside the den. Felix had put fresh leaves onto the bedding as it was comfy and Akira had already curled up. Felix then approached and curled up beside her as a guard as he drifted off to sleep shortly after.

Meanwhile, the next morning, Chase was panicked. He saw Akira's bed was empty and the window was open a bit. He then looked down to see pawprints and footprints. They led into the woods as Chase followed them to see they stopped at Akira's high rock. He walked closer to see Felix there with Akira. Since Chase didn't know who Felix was, he growled. Felix then awoke to see Chase growling at him. He stood tall above Chase with a ferocious growl, as the 2 started to fight. They swiped their claws and snapped their teeth at each other. But as Akira awoke, she saw both of the boys fighting and got in the middle as Chase accidentally swiped Akira on the cheek. It wasn't deep but it still bled. Akira's wild instincts were activated from the sudden threat as she roared and pounced at Chase. Felix saw the fight was intense, so he dragged Akira by the scruff and put her behind him as he growled at Chase.

"Who are you and what are you doing with Akira?! Were you the one who threw her off the building?!" His words were filled with fury as Felix stood with his teeth bared as he spoke.

"No! Are you?! I don't know you so how am I meant to know YOU didn't, hmm?!" Chase's tone became fierce too.

Akira ran around Felix and came between the two. "ENOUGH!" She yelled, a roar in her words that shook the ground as they both stared at Akira with shocked expressions. "Chase, Felix is the one who saved me. Please, just stop fighting."

Chase looked up at Felix and gulped. He nodded nervously. "W-we've got s-school to go to, Akira.. C-can we g-go now please...?"

Akira nodded. "See you after school, Felix!"

Meanwhile, Akira and Chase had gone to school. Little did they know that Felix had followed close behind.

As breaktime occurred, Akira and her friends had sat down in the forest area. "So Akira, who was that Felix guy? You said that he was the one who saved you, right?"

Akira nodded. "Yeah, he was that blur that saved me from falling. If he didn't, I would've either died or had a life-changing injury."

From the distance behind a shrub, Felix smiled. He could hear all the positive things that Akira was saying about him. But as he did watch, he noticed 3 boys approaching the group.

"Hey, autist? Enjoyed your little fall?" The boy laughed as did the other 2.

Akira trembled a little, backing away from him as they laughed at her fear. Akira then shut her eyes and took deep breaths to avoid turning, but as she did, the sound of laughter had already triggered her to turn. She then went in front of her friends, and just as she was about to roar, the boy punched her in the chest as she squeaked and wheezed as she struggled to take a breath. She was winded.

Felix gasped and ran towards the boys. His teeth were bared and his claws were unsheathed as he pounced and pinned all 3 of them down as he growled at them with his eyes glowing with fury. "If any of you touch Akira or her friends again, I will crush you so badly you'll be struggling to walk. Got it?"

They nodded with nervous chuckles and ran away. Felix then took a deep breath and went over to Akira to check if she was ok. Tyler got Akira her water bottle and poured some of the water in her mouth for her to drink so she could gasp for breath. As she did, she saw Felix and smiled. "Felix? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I told you I'd see you." Felix smiled. "Let me know if those boys hurt you again, I'll slash them to pieces."

Akira then introduced Felix to her friends, as they praised him for saving Akira from falling from the roof of the Computing block.

At night, Akira tossed and turned in her bed. She dreamt of herself falling off of that building again, and before she hit the ground, she jolted awake, sweating and shaking as she curled up in a ball and cried softly. Felix could hear her and crept in her window as he curled around Akira to comfort her. Akira snuggled into Felix's soft fur and was back to sleep in an instant.

"It's ok, Akira." Felix softly said as he nuzzled her. "You're safe now. Go back to sleep."

Akira sniffed and saw Felix curled around her like a soft, weighted blanket as she went closed her eyes.

The next day, Akira came downstairs to see Chase and her parents giggling to themselves. Akira shrugged it off and ate her breakfast. "What's so funny?" She asked.

"You and Felix sleeping together were so cute!" Chase squealed with delight.

Akira widened her eyes as she blushed in embarrassment. "He was comforting me cos I was dreaming about when I fell off the building and this time in the dream I was about to hit the ground and I woke up. It was scary and I was petrified."

When they got to school, the boys didn't appear as they knew that if they tried to hurt Akira in any way it would cost their lives. Because the boys didn't bother Akira or her friends, they had a peaceful day.

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