Chapter 29: Temporary Freedom:

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A day later, the Forest Room was cleared up. The blood was cleaned, the grass flooring was replaced and the walls were repainted like it never happened. Akira and her friends sat down on the comfy, leather chairs as they talked among themselves. As the others did, Akira sat with Mr Takeshi and Mr Riddle. The atmosphere somehow felt more peaceful. As the tutor bell had rung, Akira and her friends went over, except Akira. She still sat in her chair, staring into space and occasionally twitching from each thought.

"Akira, are you alright?" Mr Takeshi waved his hand in front of her, but she sat still, shaking.

Akira turned to her form and sat in the corner. Standing up and walking over to a corner, she sat down, lowered her head, and flattened her ears with a solemn whimper as she sat still shaking.

"Are you sure she's alright, sir?" Tyler asked.

Mr Takeshi sighed. "She just needs to recover from the shock and adrenaline from that fight." He calmly replied with a soft tone. "I know she's been in fights before but this time she had my life on the line."

Tyler nodded as he led the others out of the room.

Meanwhile, Akira shook her mane and turned back to her human self. But as she did, she hugged her knees, hyperventilated, and softly cried.

"I know." Mr Takeshi knelt down to Akira's level. "Just look on the bright side. You fought amazingly and I'm still alive. That's all that matters."

Akira sniffed and wiped away her tears. She then hugged Mr Takeshi. "R-really?" She sniffed once again with glazed eyes. "I could've lost you yesterday..."

After tutor-time ended, Akira came back to her friends. But as she made it to English, Mr Furlow stopped her. He didn't look stern like he was going to scold her. He displayed a fearful expression.

"My goodness, Akira! Where were you?" Mr Furlow's eyes were slightly wide with worry.

"To tell the truth... Do you know that hunter that was on the news a few months back? He came back and held Mr Tolfree hostage unless I fought. And I had to protect him. He said that if I didn't fight then Mr Tolfree was to die! I-I-"

Mr Furlow knelt to Akira's level. "Akira, look at me." Akira stopped and looked at Mr Furlow. "I'm so proud of you. You're so brave. You went from a shy, fearful, young girl to a protector. You've been through things not many people have. You've learnt to fight your own battles."

Akira's face went from a fearful expression to a beaming grin. "Now, shall we enter?"

Akira nodded. As she came in, everyone except Tyler and Shade froze with wide eyes of shock. Akira shrugged it off and sat next to Tyler.

"Akira, there's still blood on your shirt." He whispered, reaching into his bag. "Take these wipes and go clean it off."

Akira nodded. After it was cleaned, the lesson went on from there. After the lesson was finished, Akira ran out of the door. But as she did, she heard voices clamour as she ran. "Monster" She heard. "Beast" Another said as she ran towards the Forest Room in a panic.

As she made it, she caught her breath and rested on the doorframe for a minute before sitting down on a chair. She rocked back and forth hyperventilating. A few seconds later, Tyler and Shade walked through the door. They saw Akira in the state she was and rushed over to her.

Akira shut her eyes tight with tears and sweat trickling. She held her head and gently clawed her fingers onto her head. But as she did, she started hitting her head against the wall. Tyler gently grabbed her and pulled her away from the wall slowly. "No no no no no, we're not doing that."

"Tyler, just leave her be. She's having a moment." Shade replied. "But just make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

To the others' amazement, Akira sat up. It was then her eyes glistened with their amber glow. Kody then approached Akira in his form. He looked into her eyes and gasped. He saw Akira's pupil shrink and immediately panicked.

"Akira's gonna have a wild outburst! Stay calm and be careful!" Kody said as they all prepared as Akira turned to her form once more. Unexpectedly, the door was open and Akira was gone. Akira darted towards Collarend forest. She approached her high rock and laid down in her leafy bed. But before she did, she felt the wind in her fur as she ran. The others followed her close behind. Akira then sniffed the air. She knew the others were hidden but deliberately didn't take notice.

She then sniffed the air once more, but this time her fur ruffled and her teeth were bared.

It was then Felix appeared from the bushes also in a wild state. They sniffed each other and nodded in a respectful manner. But as Akira snapped out of her wild state, she saw Felix was headed for her friends, out of control. Akira then sped and pounced onto Felix to stop him from hurting her friends.

The next day, Akira and her friends went to school as normal. Akira went to see Dr Adeline every Thursday. Her state started to improve each session. After a while, the sessions ended and Akira carried on with the ones with Mr Takeshi.

Mr Takeshi then started sessions to help Akira control her wild side. He started with breaths.

"Right," He said. "If breaths don't work, keep telling yourself that at this moment, you need to stay calm and stay human. For example, a scenario. You're in an environment with lots of people, some of them calling you names under their breath. What do you do? Do you A: Hurt them, or B: use our tactics?"

Akira shut her eyes and opened them again as she took a deep breath. "B." She replied.

As she learnt to control her wild side, each person who had hurt Akira and her friends were taken out of the school each time. Life was starting to look perfect for Akira. Maybe too perfect...

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